学習支援コーナー Column

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  • Hot Words No.8-1

    Angst 発音: [ɑ́ːŋkst] 意味: 苦悩、不安 Anguish; distress; anxiety 例文1: H…
    Hot Words
  • Hot Words No.7-2

    Grapple 発音: [ɡrǽpl] 意味: 取り組む、挑む To tackle; to cope 例文1: I spent…
    Hot Words
  • Hot Words No.7-1

    Assuage 発音: [əswéidƷ] 意味: 軟化させる、静める To sooth; to calm; to appease &nbs…
    Hot Words
  • Hot Words No.6-2

    Gridlock 発音: [grídlὰk] 意味: 行き詰まり、身動きできない状態 A standstill 例文1: Wh…
    Hot Words
  • Hot Words No.6-1

    Autocrat 発音: [ɔ́ːtəkræ̀t] 意味: 独裁者、専制君主 A ruler or person with unlimited p…
    Hot Words
  • Hot Words No.5-2

    Nimble 発音: [nímbl] 意味: 俊敏な Quick and efficient 例文1: In order to…
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  • Hot Words No.5-1

    Attend 発音: [əténd] 意味: 世話をする、面倒見る、看病する To take care of; to look after …
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  • Hot Words No.4-2

    Onus 発音: [óunəs] 意味: 責任 Responsibility 例文1: The onus is on all of…
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  • Hot Words No.4-1

    Amid 発音: [əmíd] 意味: まっただ中で In the middle of; among 例文1: Amid thre…
    Hot Words
  • Hot Words No.3-2

    Ink 発音: [íŋk] 意味: サインする、公式に締結する To sign; to make official 例文1: Th…
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  • Hot Words No.3-1

    Ahead of 発音: [əhéd əv,ʌ́v] 意味: 〜より前に、先立って Prior to; before 例文1: The…
    Hot Words
  • Hot Words No.2-2

    Rally 発音: [rǽli] 意味: 1. 上昇する、強くなる、回復する To rise; to become stronger; to reco…
    Hot Words
  • Hot Words No.2-1

    Arsenal 発音: [́́ɑːrsənl] 意味: 武器庫、可能な手段、手の内 A stock of arms; a store of availab…
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  • Hot Words No.1-3

    Rap 発音: [rǽp] 意味: 1.すばやく叩く To hit swiftly and sharply 2. 批判する To crit…
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  • Hot Words No.1-2

    Harness 発音: [hάːrnəs] 意味: 確固たるものとする To firmly put in place; to fasten …
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  • Hot Words No.1-1

    About-face 発音: [əbáut-féis] 意味: 考えや行動の顕著な変化 A radical change in one's think…
    Hot Words
  • 085_Getting Ready For Your Performance Review

    085_Getting Ready For Your Performance Review An employee, Nozomi is getting ready fo…
  • 084_Conducting A Performance Review

    084_Conducting A Performance Review If you are a manager, giving a performance evalua…
  • 083_What’s the Problem?

    083_What's the Problem? We can not solve a problem unless we have all the information…
  • 082_I Have a Suggestion

    082_I Have a Suggestion Business success always starts with a strong plan. After that…