Hot Words No.34
- [bʌ́kl]
- 意味:
- 膝などががくがくになる、反対・プレッシャーなどに屈する
- To give way and bend; to give in and do something against one’s wish
- 例文1:
- Her knees buckled when she saw the heaps of work to be done.
- 例文2:
- The politician buckled under pressure and withdrew his demand.
- [kəpríʃəs]
- 意味:
- きまぐれな、あてにならない
- Changing suddenly and unpredictably; whimsical
- 例文1:
- I am sick of the capricious weather.
- 例文2:
- I don’t want to depend on the whims of a vain, capricious old man.
- [dédbíːt]
- 意味:
- 意欲や人生計画のない人、借金や家賃を踏み倒す人
- A person with no motivation or plans in life; someone who habitually misses paying their debts or rent
- 例文1:
- We are unhappy that our only daughter is dating an unemployed deadbeat.
- 例文2:
- The landlord has to be ready to take risks from deadbeat tenants.
- [ifékt]
- 意味:
- 意図した目的を達成する
- To bring about an intended result
- 例文1:
- I am not confident that I will be able to effect change in our organization.
- 例文2:
- The president knows how tough it is to effect a political change.
Fend off
- [fénd ɔ́ːf]
- 意味:
- 拒絶する、追い払う
- To reject; to drive away
- 例文1:
- The company fended off its competitor’s bid for hostile takeover.
- 例文2:
- I wear this crucifixion necklace to fend off evil spirits.
Hanger-on (plural: hangers-on)
- [hǽŋər-άn]
- 意味:
- 将来の利益を目当てに権力者や富豪者に付きまとう人
- A person who spends a lot of time with a powerful or rich individual in the hopes of getting some advantage from them later on
- 例文1:
- The new prime minister is surrounded by numerous hangers-on from all corners and all walks of life.
- 例文2:
- When he lost his fortune in the financial crisis, all his hangers-on suddenly disappeared.
- [niɡóuʃièit]
- 意味:
- 困難な場所や状況を上手く通り越す
- To successfully get over a difficult place
- 例文1:
- He had an accident because he could not negotiate a sharp corner.
- 例文2:
- The senior diplomat was able to negotiate a potentially explosive stage in the peace talks.
- [próub]
- 意味:
- 鋭い質問をして調査する
- To investigate by asking a series of sharp questions
- 例文1:
- I don’t mean to probe into your personal life, but let me ask you this one question.
- 例文2:
- Scientists are probing the mystery.
- 例文3:
- At the public hearing, the senator was asked some probing questions.