Hot Words No.242
- 発音:
- [próubəti]
- 意味:
- 誠実、高潔
- A very moral and honest way of behaving.
- 例文1:
- The politician was charged for receiving a bribe, but he insisted his innocence and financial probity.
- →「その政治家は収賄で告発されたが、彼は無罪と清廉潔白を主張した。」
- 発音:
- [bǽfl]
- 意味:
- (人)をまごつかせる、困惑させる
- To puzzle, bewilder, block, hinder
- 例文1:
- He was completely baffled by the next move of his opponent during the Shogi match.
- →「彼は将棋の対局で相手の次の一手に完全に困惑してしまった。」
- 発音:
- [kǽləmni]
- 意味:
- 中傷、悪口
- A misrepresentation intended to damage another’s reputation
- 例文1:
- You had better defend yourself against calumny by ignoring the false statements of others.
- →「他人からの根も葉もない中傷は無視したほうが身のためだよ。」
- 発音:
- [dəvʌ́ldʒ]
- 意味:
- (秘密などを)漏らす
- To make known to the public that was previously known only to a few people
- 例文1:
- The criminal did not divulge the names of his partners in crime to the police.
- →「その犯人は警察に共犯者たちの名前を明かさなかった。」
Clamp down
- 発音:
- [klǽmp dáun]
- 意味:
- (違法行為を)取り締まる、弾圧する
- To suppress or prevent something in an oppressive or harsh manner
- 例文1:
- In many developing countries, free speech is simply not guaranteed and even clamped down.
- →「多くの発展途上国では、言論の自由は保証されてないどころか、むしろ弾圧されている。」
- 発音:
- [sáinikjùər]
- 意味:
- 楽で収入のいい仕事
- A position that requires little or no work but still gives a payment
- 例文1:
- His newly assigned position was a sinecure, offered as a tribute for his many years of serving the company.
- →「彼が新たに任命された職は長年の勤務に敬意を表して設けられた閑職だった。」
- 発音:
- [kwaiésnt]
- 意味:
- 静止した、活動していない
- In a state or period of inactivity or dormancy
- 例文1:
- Now that younger people have moved out to urban cities for jobs, my hometown is rather quiescent.
- →「若者たちが職を求めて都会に出て行ってしまったので、私の故郷の町は活気がなくなっている。」