Hot Words No.234
- 発音:
- [brévəti]
- 意味:
- 儚さ、短さ
- The condition of being short
- 例文1:
- In general, it is not until a close friend or family member passed away that people acknowledge the brevity of life.
- →「一般的に、人は身近な人の死に接して初めて人生の儚さを感じる。」
- 例文2:
- When writing a speech, the two most important things to consider are brevity and impact.
- →「スピーチを書く時に考慮すべき重要な2つのポイントは短さとインパクトである。」
- 発音:
- [bráʊbiːt]
- 意味:
- 威嚇する
- To intimidate
- 例文1:
- The detective browbeat the suspect into admitting the charge.
- →「刑事は容疑者を脅して罪を認めさせようとした。」
Hanker for
- 発音:
- [hǽŋkər fər]
- 意味:
- 切望する
- To have a very strong, persistent desire for something.
- 例文1:
- Once someone gained wealth, then he hankers for fame.
- →「人は富をいったん得ると、次に名声を求める。」
- 発音:
- [nάkʃəs]
- 意味:
- 有害な
- Harmful to living things
- 例文1:
- Residents were horrified to learn that noxious chemicals were discovered in the nearby river.
- →「住民は有害な化学物質が近くの河川で発見されたことに慄然とした。」
- 発音:
- [θín skínd]
- 意味:
- 神経過敏な
- Too easily offended or upset by criticism
- 例文1:
- The CEO was so thin-skinned against criticism from shareholders.
- →「CEOは株主からの批判にとても過敏であった。」
- [ənǽθəmə]
- 意味:
- 受け入れ難いもの、考え方
- Something that you strongly dislike or strongly disagree with
- 例文1:
- The patient had been kept alive in a vegetative state, but the idea of death with dignity was anathema to his family.
- →「その患者は植物状態で生かされていたが、尊厳死は彼の家族にとって受け入れ難いものだった。」
- 発音:
- [tráuns]
- 意味:
- 完全に負かす
- To defeat severely and thoroughly
- 例文1:
- That old politician was trounced by his younger opponent in the election and forced to resign.
- →「その老いた政治家は選挙で若い対立候補に打ち負かされ、辞任に追い込まれた。」