Hot Words No.228
- 発音:
- [æ̀mjuníʃən]
- 意味:
- 攻撃手段
- Something that can be used to attack
- 例文1:
- The Republican Party presidential candidate’s tax history is giving Democrats ample ammunition as the election draws closer.
- →「大統領選挙が近づくにつれ、共和党の大統領候補者の納税記録が民主党からの格好の攻撃材料となっている。」
- 発音:
- [tǽsətə̀ːrn]
- 意味:
- 無口な、口数の少ない
- Habitually reserved and uncommunicative
- 例文1:
- President Coolidge was considered to be the most taciturn President.
- →「クーリッジ大統領はもっとも寡黙な大統領と考えられていた。」
- 発音:
- [æbdʒúər]
- 意味:
- 誓って放棄する
- Formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief
- 例文1:
- Due to persecution from the Tokugawa Shogunate, many Japanese Christians had to abjure their religious faith in the 17th century.
- →「徳川幕府の迫害によって、17世紀に多くの日本人のキリスト教徒が棄教せざるを得なかった。」
- [ɑ́bdjurəsi]
- 意味:
- 強情、頑固
- Refusal to change your mind or your actions in any way.
- 例文1:
- The public criticized the obduracy of the governor of Tokyo and asked him to resign.
- →「人々は東京都知事の頑固さを非難し、辞任を求めた。」
A bolt from the blue
- [ə bóult frəm ðə blúː]
- 意味:
- 晴天のへきれき
- Something completely unexpected that surprises you very much.
- 例文1:
- The news of her divorce was a bolt from the blue.
- →「彼女の離婚のニュースは晴天のへきれきだった。」
- [fúlsəm]
- 意味:
- 度を越した、嫌味な
- Excessive or insincere, and therefore somewhat offensive
- 例文1:
- I am sick of listening to her fulsome flattery.
- →「彼女の鼻に付くお世辞を聞くのはうんざりだ。」
- 発音:
- [sὰpərífɪk]
- 意味:
- 眠気を起こさせる
- Causing sleep
- 例文1:
- Drinking a glass of warm milk before bed is supposed to have a soporific effect.
- →「寝る前に、暖かい牛乳を飲むと寝つきが良くなると考えられている。」