Hot Words No.22-1
- [əskǽns]
- 意味:
- 批判・非難をこめて
- With criticism or disapproval
- 例文1:
- The teacher looked askance when she entered the classroom and found it a total mess.
- 例文2:
- The cashier woman looked askance at me when I brought a pile of teenage romantic paperbacks to the counter.
- [bənǽl]
- 意味:
- 新奇さに欠け陳腐な、平凡な
- To be so frequently used or commonplace that it ceases to be interesting; to be stale or trivial
- 例文1:
- In romantic novels, the expression ‘I love you’ has become banal.
- 例文2:
- Oh, the train ride was long and boring. For the most part, I was engaged in banal conversations with my fellow passengers.
- [kæ̀tətάnik]
- 意味:
- ショック、緊張、疲労、疾病などで動けない状態、または声が出ない状態
- To be unable to move or talk due to a shock, nervousness, fatigue or illness
- 例文1:
- When she heard the news, she was catatonic for a few minutes till the phone rang.
- 例文2:
- After the accident he remained in a catatonic state at the hospital for 3 weeks.
- [diplɔ́i]
- 意味:
- 駆動する、配置する
- To activate; to leverage; to organize and station military forces or equipment
- 例文1:
- This is a rather difficult project. You must deploy all your talents.
- 例文2:
- The US forces deployed advanced missiles in the ongoing war in Afghanistan.
- [ibʌ́ljənt]
- 意味:
- 喜びにあふれ活気ある
- Happy; enthusiastic; excited
- 例文1:
- People love the child because she is always ebullient.
- 例文2:
- The philosopher has an ebullient personality, and it is reflected in his optimistic view of human nature.
- [fǽtʃuəs]
- 意味:
- 無意味な、馬鹿げた、くだらない
- Ridiculous and devoid of meaning; silly
- 例文1:
- That was a fatuous thing for me to say. I am sorry, I didn’t really mean it.
- 例文2:
- When the students started asking fatuous questions, the teacher got exasperated and walked out of the room.
- [hʌ́mdrʌ̀m]
- 意味:
- 日常茶飯事で退屈な
- Mundane and boring
- 例文1:
- Oh, my life is very structured. I keep to a regimented schedule. My wife says it is humdrum.
- 例文2:
- Most people are too preoccupied with their humdrum existence to think about philosophical matters.