Hot Words No.20-1
- [ǽkləmèit]
- 意味:
- 新しい環境や状況に慣れる
- To get used to a new environment or situation
- 例文1:
- When I first immigrated to this country, it took relatively short for me to get acclimated to the new life style.
- 例文2:
- I have been living in Tokyo 3 years now, but I am still unable to acclimate myself to the crowded trains.
- 例文3:
- When we first moved to California, it was a daily struggle for our son to acclimate to the new school.
Beware of
- [biwέər əv]
- 意味:
- 注意を払う、用心する
- To be careful of; to take precaution
- 例文1:
- Beware of the traffic when you cross the street.
- 例文2:
- You should beware of the impact that your speech and manners make on children.
- [kəbǽl]
- 意味:
- 陰謀
- A conspiracy; a collusion
- 例文1:
- The discontented members formed a cabal to take over party leadership.
- 例文2:
- A sensational tabloid claimed that a royal cabal was responsible for the king’s death.
A dash of
- [ə dǽʃ əv]
- 意味:
- 微量の
- A small amount of something
- 例文1:
- With the hiring of 10 foreign nationals, the company can now boast of a dash of globalism.
- 例文2:
- I decided to add a dash of love to my life by getting a pet.
- [intʃǽnt]
- 意味:
- 魅惑する
- To mesmerize; to put under the spell
- 例文1:
- When I overheard the music, I was quite enchanted by the vocalist’s spiritual voice.
- 例文2:
- The robust economy is enchanting a lot of investors.
- 例文3:
- When she first met him in person, she stood motionless like an enchanted princess.
- [híkʌp]
- 意味:
- 計画等を実行する上での比較的小さな問題点
- A small problem or glitch in executing a plan
- 例文1:
- This is a highly complicated process, so I would advise you to expect a hiccup or two somewhere down the line.
- 例文2:
- Just as we were about to finish the project, we ran into some technical hiccups.
- [ménis]
- 意味:
- 1. 恐怖を伴う危険
- An ominous threat
- 2. 脅かす
- (As verb) To threaten or terrorize
- 1の例文a:
- That man is homeless but he is in no way a menace to society.
- 2の例文b:
- Faced with the menace of a nuclear meltdown, the government decided to close the power plant.
- 2の例文a:
- The almost daily aftershocks are menacing the local people.
- 2の例文b:
- Well into my adulthood, I am still menaced by bats.