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085_Getting Ready For Your Performance Review

085_Getting Ready For Your Performance Review

An employee, Nozomi is getting ready for his first performance review in English. He ask a coworker to give him some tips on effectively dealing with this type of job evaluation.

Hello and welcome to Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin Podcasting. A great place to review English words and phrases. In the previous episode, episode 84, we heard two managers discussing phrases and strategies for conducting a performance review. In this episode we listen in on an employee who is preparing for her first performance review in English. Let’s listen in.
Good morning Jack.
Good morning Nozomi, what’s new.
Not much, how about you?
Not much.
Ah, say Jack. I was wondering if I could get your help for a few minutes.
Sure, what is it?
Well my performance review is coming up and I’m a little nervous about it since this is my first time to do it in English and I was hoping you could give me some pointers.
Sure. I’d be happy to, but I’m a little confused. Isn’t Mr. Nakamura giving your performance evaluation? Can’t you just do it in Japanese?
Well, that would be easier, but it’s company policy that all performance reviews be conducted in English.
Oh, I see.
So that’s why I need some advice.
Well, My first piece of advice is that you stay positive throughout the interview.
What do you mean?
You should start off with a positive statement about how you feel about your job. You could say, “I’m really happy with the way my job has been progressing“.
I’m really happy with the way my job has been progressing.
That sounds good, right? Also, when he gives you the review, he probably won’t be telling you what he thinks, he’ll be asking you to give your own opinion on your performance. So don’t be critical of your own performance.
I’m not quite sure I understand?
OK. As I’ve pointed out, you should use positive vocabulary, even when you are talking about your weak points. You could say, ” I feel I have been very effective in the past six months in improving my performance. My projects have all been completed and I have been on or under budget.
That sounds good and it’s all true. But shouldn’t I talk about my weak points? Such as my time management?
Well I would suggest that you not bring up the subject of your weak points unless he ask. If he does, it will probably be in the form of this question: ” What areas do you think you need to work on?” You can just answer honestly, but again, you should remain positive.
How do I do that? My time management is actually quite bad.
Oh! be careful! Don’t say the word “bad” or any other negative words in a performance review. You can say: “One area I need to continue to develop is time management” or you could say, “I think time management is an area I need to improve on”. That sounds much more positive.
I think time management is an area I need to improve on. Hmm. I see your point. What else can you tell me about performance reviews?
Well, towards the end of the review he will summarize what you’ve talked about and he will set some goals for you to meet by the time of your next performance review.
I see.
Anyway, I think my best advice to you would be to just stay relaxed and enjoy the meeting. Just be yourself.
Good advice Jack. Thanks a lot.
My pleasure Nozomi.
That’s all the time we have for this podcast. In the next podcast, we will listen in to Nozomi and Taro in the performance review. We will hear how they use what they’ve learned. Until next time, keep studying and remember that you can find a transcript for this podcast and listen to past episodes at www.nichibei.ac.jp . And be sure to come by Nichibei near Yotsuya station and observe a class. We have classes in business, conversation, TOEIC test preparation, and advanced studies. Find out why Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin is a great place to build you future.