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080_Changing the Appointment Time

080_Changing the Appointment Time

As a follow-up to our previous episode we will review how to deal with changes of appointment times. In this episode we will practice how to smoothly change plans and give reasons for those changes.

Hello and welcome to Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin Podcasting episode 80. A great place to review English words and phrases. My name is Kevin Jones. In our last podcast, episode 79, we reviewed a variety of phrases for offering and arranging appointments. In this episode we are going to practice phrases for changing an appointment time and giving reasons for those changes. First let’s listen to this IP phone conversation between a salesperson and possible new client. The client is calling back to change the appointment time.
Mr. Jackson:
Good afternoon. ClearView systems. Peter Jackson speaking
Mr. Ford:
Hello Mr. Jackson. John Ford here with The Regal Hotel in Georgetown.
Mr. Jackson:
Ahh… hello Ms. Mr. Ford. How have you been.
Mr. Ford:
Oh very well, although it is rainy season here in Georgetown. We haven?t seen the sun for days! Anyway, I?m a calling about our appointment on the 31st.
Mr. Jackson:
Is there a problem?
Mr. Ford:
Actually yes, Something?s come up. We’ve booked a big conference on that day so I?m afraid I?ll be busy on the 30th and 31st.
Mr. Jackson:
I understand. Not to worry. Can you bring it forward to the 27th?
Mr. Ford:
I?m afraid not. I?m on vacation with my family that week. Could we move it back to Friday September 3rd?
Mr. Jackson:
Just a moment, let me check my schedule. Yes, Friday the third should be fine. Same time?
Mr. Ford:
Anytime on the 3rd will be ?ne.
Mr. Jackson:
Shall we say 9am then?
Mr. Ford:
That would be fine. And let me take you for lunch after our meeting.
Mr. Jackson:
That?s very kind of you.
Mr. Ford:
Well it?s the least I can do. And I?d like to apologize for any inconvenience.
Mr. Jackson:
It?s no inconvenience at all. I?m looking forward to seeing you on the 3rd.
Mr. Ford:
Same here. Take care Mr. Jackson.
OK. This conversation had several phrases which helped with communication in 3 areas:
1. Changing arrangements
2. Giving reasons and apologizing
3. Responding to the changes
Let?s listen to the ?rst phrase which was for giving reasons for the change.
Mr. Ford:
Actually yes, Something?s come up. We’ve booked a big conference on that day so I?m afraid I?ll be busy on the 30th and 31st.
Mr. Ford:
Something?s come up.
Mr. Ford:
Something?s come up.
You can use this phrase “something?s come up” to introduce a reason why you must change the appointment. Or if the reason is private, just use the phrase “something?s come up” and don?t explain. The other person should be polite and not ask any more questions. If they do ask questions you don?t want to answer, just say “It?s a private matter”. Next we heard a phrase for responding to the change. Mr. Jackson said…
Mr. Jackson:
I understand. Not to worry.
Mr. Jackson:
I understand. Not to worry.
These polite phrases should make the other person feel better. Another phrase would be …
Mr. Jackson:
I understand. These things happen.
Mr. Jackson:
I understand. These things happen.
I understand. These things happen. I understand. These things happen. Now lets repeat the phrases for changing the plan.
Mr. Jackson:
Can you bring it forward to the 27th?
Mr. Jackson:
Can you bring it forward to the 27th?
Mr. Ford:
I?m afraid not. I?m on vacation with my family that week. Could we move it back to Friday September 3rd?
Mr. Ford:
Could we move it back to Friday September 3rd?
Our target phrases here are “bring it forward” which means an earlier date then planned. and “move it back” which means a later date. Let?s listen to that part of the conversation again.
Mr. Jackson:
I understand. Not to worry. Can you bring it forward to the 27th?
Mr. Ford:
I?m afraid not. I?m on vacation with my family that week. Could we move it back to Friday September 3rd?
Finally, we had a couple of phrases for apologizing, for saying you are sorry to change the appointment. LIsten.
Mr. Ford:
Well it?s the least I can do. And I?d like to apologize for any inconvenience.
Mr. Ford:
I?d like to apologize for any inconvenience.
Very good. That?s it for the target phrases for this podcast. Be sure to repeat these phrases and be sure to go back and listen to the conversation again. And remember that you can ?nd a transcript for this podcast and listen to past episodes at www.nichibei.ac.jp . And be sure to come by Nichibei, and observe a class. We have classes in business, conversation, TOEIC test preparation, and advanced studies. Find out why Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin is a great place to build you future.
This podcast is a production of Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin.