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073_Going to Reception

073_Going to Reception

The first step of visiting a company is talking to the Receptionist. In this episode we will have a chance to practice standard patterns for this situation.

Hello and welcome to Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin Podcasting Episode 73. A great place to review English words and phrases. My name is Kevin Jones. In this business edition of the podcast we will look at patterns for asking and responding to questions at the reception desk.
First, let’s listen to this conversation. A businessman is visiting a customer at their office. He arrives at the reception desk of the company. He has an appointment with Mr. Johnson.
Good morning. How can I help you?
Yes, Good morning. I’m here to see Frank Johnson.
Can I have your name, please?
Tom. Tom Hill.
Do you have an appointment, Mr Hill?
OK. What company are you with, Mr Hill?
Corning Glass Ltd.
Thank you. Please wait here and I’ll see if Mr. Hill is available. Would you like to take a seat while you’re waiting?
Yes. Thanks.
Tom will come and meet you in a minute.
Do I need to sign in?
Yes. Could you please sign here?
Thank you. And here’s your security pass.
Thank you very much.
Now let’s take a closer look at the questions the receptionist asks the visitor. First she greets the visitor.
Good morning. How can I help you?
How can I help you. The receptionist could also say, What can I do for you?. Good morning, What can I do for you? Good morning, what can I do for you? Next she asks the visitor for his name.
Can I have your name, please?
Can I have your name please? Of course you could also say may I or could I. May I have your name please? Could I have your name please? Next, the receptionist asks if the visitor has an appointment.
Do you have an appointment, Mr Hill?
She could also ask this question. Is Mr. Johnson expecting you? Is he expecting you? Next the receptionist asks the visitor for the name of his company.
OK. What company are you with, Mr Hill?
This is the same as asking the visitor. What is the name if your company? But saying, What company are you with?, sounds a little more friendly and casual. So try using it. What company are you with? or Who are you with? Next the receptionist asks him to wait and asks him to sit down.
Thank you. Please wait here and I’ll see if Mr. Hill is available. Would you like to take a seat while you’re waiting?
Would you like to take a seat? Another pattern is, Would you care to. Would you care to take a seat?, Would you care to take a seat? The receptionist also asks him for his signature.
Do I need to sign in?
Yes. Could you please sign here?
Let’s repeat that, Could you please sign here?
Now let’s try that questions with the noun.
Could I have you signature? Could I have you signature?
Now let’s practice. You are the receptionist. It’s morning. Begin by greeting the visitor and asking how you can help them. Go!
>>>> Good morning. How can I help you?
Good morning. I’m here to see Frank Johnson.
Good. Next ask the visitor for their name.
>>>> Can I have your name, please?
Kevin, Kevin Jones. Next, Ask the visitor if they have an appointment.
>>>> Do you have an appointment, Mr Jones?
Yes I do.
Next, Ask the visitor what company they are with.
>>>> What company are you with, Mr Jones?
I’m with Ford Motor Company
OK. Now, go back and study these basic questions again.
That’s all the time we have for this podcast. You can find a transcript for this podcast and listen to past episodes at www.nichibei.ac.jp . And be sure to check out the classes for the next term at Nichibei. We have classes in business, conversation, TOEIC, art and history and others. Find out why Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin is a great place to build you future. Join us again for podcast 74 when we will review the next step in how to smoothly greet a visitor to your company.
This podcast is a production of Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin.