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022_ Introducing_Opinions

022_ Introducing_Opinions

This is the first of four episodes dealing with English for business meetings. In this episode, Nichibei student Yuko learns to smoothly introduce her opinions using a variety of phrases.

Hello and welcome once again. This is Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin Podcasting. A great place to review English words and phrases. My name is Kevin Jones. This episode is the first of four dealing with meeting skills. This episode we have a question from Nichibei student Yuko.
Hi Yuko. How are you doing.
I’m just great.
And also with us is Nichibei Instructor Charles Tully. What’s new Charlie.
Charles Tully:
Not much.
So, Yuko, how can we help you.
Well I recently changed jobs and I’m working for a foreign company now. So, most of my meetings are in English. The trouble is, the other members are always asking me for my opinion.
Is that a problem for you?
A little bit. You see, I have opinions but my problem is I have trouble using phrases to introduce my opinions.
OK, I see, so when you state your opinion, You just state your opinion without any phrase of introduction.
Well, not exactly, but the only one I feel comfortable using is In my opinion or I think. I usually hear other people use a variety of phrases,. So I guess what I want to hear from you today, is a variety of phrases to introduce my opinions at meetings.
Well Charlie, That’s a rather straight forward request. She needs to expand her list of phrases for introducing her opinion in meetings. What are your suggestions?
Charles Tully:
It’s always a good idea to use a variety of phrases whenever possible. So it’s good that you understand this. I could suggest a lot of different phrases, but let’s just concentrate on these four:as far as I’m concerned,as I see it,from my point of view and the phraseit seems to me. All four of these phrases make it clear that you are giving your opinion.
Thanks, but I’m not really clear on the meaning of the first one. As far as I…..
Charles Tully:As far as I’m concerned….. That means to the limit of my concern or my involvement in this issue. But actually all of these phrases basically really meanin my opinion….. So, let me hear you try the four phrases I mentioned,as far as I’m concerned,as I see it,from my point of view andit seems to me. I’m going to ask you for your opinion and you respond with your opinion. Let’s say we are talking about the budget for project X . OK?
OK. I think I can do it.
Charles Tully:
So what’s you opinion on the budget for project X?
Yuko:As Far as I’m concerned, the budget should be increased.
Charles Tully:
Good. Let’s do it again. So, how do you feel about the budget?
Yuko:As I see it, the budget should be increased.
Charles Tully:
Good! Once again. What your opinion on the budget?
Yuko:From my point of view, it should be increased.
Charles Tully:
Great. Once more please. What’s your feeling on the budget level?
Yuko:It seems to me, it should be increased.
Charles Tully:
Excellent! You just introduced your opinion with a variety of phrases. You sounded really good! And don’t forget to be a little aggressive with your opinion. It’s expected in western companies.
Thank you so much for your advice.
Charles Tully:
Is there anything else I can help you with?
Well, yes there is. In addition to that, I’m not clear on the best way to disagree with someone. I’m always afraid of being rude.
That’s a good question Yuko, but I’m afraid we’re out of time for this episode. But we’ll continue with your question on the next episode. Is that OK?
Yes, that’ll be fine.
Now let’s review the phrases for this episode.As far as I’m concerned, andas I see it,from my point of view and it seems to me.