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  3. 004_Resume_Power_Words



Kevin helps Maki improve her resume with English power words. The words develop, Implement and strengthen are discussed.

Welcome back to Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin Podcasting. A great place to review English words and phrases. This week I spoke with Nichibei student Maki about power words for resumes.
Hi Kevin.
Hi Maki. What are you working on?
I’m gonna make an English resume listing my job experience and stuff.
Sounds good. Do you have a question?
Well I’ve heard that there’re some words in English which have more power than other words. Is this true?
Yes it is. Resumes in English often use power words. These are words which sound more active and powerful, and therefore more professional. So, how exactly can I help you?
Well, could you ask some teachers what they think are good power words for a resume?
Sure Maki, I’d be happy to. First I’m going to ask Glenn Evanish. Glenn, Glenn, I’ve got this student who is writing a resume in English and she wants to put in some English power words. What’s your suggestion for a good English power word to use in a resume?
Glenn Evanish:
Hmm. Let me think, umm. A word that I’ve always liked is develop. I would use develop instead of, for example, made. A lot of people would make the mistake of saying ” I made this system” or something like that. (It) sounds much more dynamic to say “I developed this system” rather than just “I made it”.
Thanks Glenn.
Glenn Evanish:
No problem.
OK Maki. Are we on the right track? How’s that?
Good. Then let’s move on. Next I’m going to ask Paul Stacey. Paul? I’ve got a student who’s writing an English resume and she’s looking for some power words to punch up her resume.
Paul Stacey:
Power words, power words, power words. Well, let me see, you have her resume there? Let me have a look.
Yeah, I’ve got one here.
Paul Stacey:
OK, OK let’s see here. “started a cost savings program”. See here start see that?That’s a kind of a plain word. You can …bring that up a little bit. Maybe “implement a cost savings program”?
Implement. What does that mean?
Paul Stacey:
Implement, Implement. It means basically the same as start but it means to put into effect or to carry out or to get something going. And it has a little more power, a little more force. So, if she’s implementing the cost savings program, it carries a little more weight! How about that?
Thank you very much Paul. OK Maki. Two down, one to go. Next let’s get the opinion of Jeff Hull. Jeff, do you have a minute?
Jeff Hull:
Yes I do.
Well, I’m helping this girl in class. And she got a…she’s writing an English resume and she need some help to improve it a little bit. Here, could you take a look at this resume?
Jeff Hull:
Yes, let me see. She has here “I she helped improve client relations”. Maybe she could improve that a little by changing “improve” to “strengthen”. “I helped strengthen client relations” it makes it sound a little…gives it a little more impact.
Makes it stronger.
Jeff Hull:
Yeah, I think it makes it a little bit stronger.
Thanks for your help Jeff.
Jeff Hull:
OK, you’re welcome.
OK Maki, How’s that?
Fantastic, Thanks Kevin. I’m off to make my resume.
Great. Let’s review the words today. develop, implement, and strengthen. OK, that’s all the time we have for this podcast. A big thanks to Maki and the teachers who helped out today.
To find out more about Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin, visit www.nichibei.ac.jp , and follow the podcast link for information and transcripts of this podcast. This podcast is a production of Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin and Live Mix Media.