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  3. 003_Medical_Vocabulary



The words diagnosis, symptom, and allergy are discussed

Welcome back to Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin podcasting. A great place to review English words and phrases. This week I spoke with Nichibei student Kana about medical vocabulary. Hi Kana. You have a question?
Maybe it’s more of a challenge than a question.
OK. I’m game.
OK, here it is. What do teachers think are the most common medical words in English. In other words, what should I know for a general medical situation?
An emergency situation?
No, not an emergency situation. Just an everyday situation.
Good Question Kana, I think I’ll ask John Comerford first. John, a student asked me what essential medical vocabulary they should know. What comes to mind?
John Comerford:
Words like diagnosis. A diagnosis is a doctor’s evaluation of a patient’s problem. A doctor arrives at his diagnosis after listening to the patient’s description of symptoms and problems.
John Comerford:
After listening to the patient’s symptoms, the doctor’s diagnosis was that the patient was suffering from cancer.
Thanks John. Next is Conan Sharp.
I think the word for today is symptoms. What does it mean. For example, if you have, a runny nose or a cough or a sore throat, that indicates that you might have a cold. So each of those things are a symptom of a cold.
Thank you Conan. For our third of three words today, we’re going to ask John Freeman. OK I’m here with John Freeman. What do you have?
John Freeman:
Let’s see…common medical words in English… My suggestion would be the words allergy and allergic. These words have become become more common and important recently. People can be allergic to anything. Some people suffer from food allergies and must be very careful when ordering food in restaurants. Then of course there are pollen allergies which more and more people in Japan suffer from in the springtime.
Pollen is the dust from trees and flowers.
John Freeman:
That’s right. It’s かふん in Japanese.
Do you have any allergies John?
John Freeman:
I am a little allergic to work.
I think a lot of people have that allergy. Thanks a lot John.
John Freeman:
You’re welcome.
How’s that Kana?
That’s good, thanks.
Let’s review our three words then. DIAGNOSIS, SYMPTOMS and the noun ALLERGY and the adjective ALLERGIC. That’s all the time we have for this podcast, but I wanna say thank you to Kana and the teachers who helped us out today. To find out more about NIchibei Kaiwa Gakuin visit WWW.nichibei.ac.jp and follow the podcast link for information and transcripts of this podcast. This podcast is a production of Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin and Live Mix Media.