Hot Words No.43
- [ǽmbl]
- 意味:
- 緩やかに歩く
- To walk slowly and at one’s leisure
- 例文1:
- The standup comedian ambled over to the microphone and started talking.
- 例文2:
- She ambled across the yard.
- [bévi]
- 意味:
- 人の群れ
- A large group of people
- 例文1:
- We were glad to see a bevy of college students at the convention.
- 例文2:
- A bevy of good pitchers lifted our team over the opponent.
- [kláud]
- 意味:
- より不明確・困難・不快にする
- To make something more unclear, difficult or unpleasant
- 例文1:
- Suspicion clouded my judgment.
- 例文2:
- Hunger clouds the child’s face.
- 例文3:
- Questions of bribery cloud the Senator’s elation over the election victory.
- [drǽb]
- 意味:
- 退屈な、冴えない
- Unexciting or boring
- 例文1:
- I don’t like his fictions. He has a drab writing style.
- 例文2:
- Young people nowadays are facing a drab and depressing future.
A flurry of
- [ə flə́ːri əv]
- 意味:
- 突然の増加
- A sudden increase of something
- 例文1:
- At the monthly sales staff meeting, she reported that there had been a flurry of activity in her assigned territory.
- 例文2:
- A flurry of new bills in Congress offers further proof that the US will need a larger budget.
Hamstring (past tense and past participle: hamstrung)
- [hǽmstríŋ]
- 意味:
- 誰かの行動を抑制することで計画等を阻止する
- To frustrate or incapacitate someone by restricting their action
- 例文1:
- Obama is hamstrung by a Republican House of Representatives.
- 例文2:
- The US forces were hamstrung as the rebel forces exploited jungle battlefields.
- [insáit]
- 意味:
- 喧嘩や口論をするようにけしかける
- To trigger a fight or argument
- 例文1:
- The police accused him of inciting the homeless to robbery.
- 例文2:
- The killing incited a mass protest movement.
- [lάdƷ]
- 意味:
- 申し立てる
- To make a formal statement
- 例文1:
- I lost substantial money on the investment. I am thinking of lodging a complaint against the financial planner for bad advice.
- 例文2:
- The treatment at the border was so bad that the tourists lodged a protest.