今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

HOT WORDS No. 69 (May 11, 2012)


Bad in the extreme(極端に悪い)

→“His handwriting is atrocious.”


→“Forced labor is atrocious torture.”



To defeat; to suddenly lose the ability to remember something; to cover something so it will not be seen(負かす、突然何かについて思い出す機能を失う、見えないように覆う)

→“The guest team blanked our team by 2 to 1.”


→“When I first gave a lecture in public I was so nervous that my mind blanked out and I just stood there.”


→“When you write your report, make sure to blank out on the actual names of the participants since we don’t need that information.”



To repeat or reflect an idea in agreement(アイデアや思想などに賛同して繰り返すまたは反映する)

→“What you wrote in your essay echoes the author’s sentiments.”


→“The lawmakers’ suggestions echo popular discontent.”



Gruesome violence of bloodshed(出血に至るおぞましい暴力)

→“The mass protest ended in blood and gore.”


→“The TV news network is no stranger to gore.”



A symbol; someone widely respected and appreciated who stands for some idea(シンボル、あるアイデアの象徴として広く世で敬愛されている人物)

→“John Lennon was an icon of counterculture in the 1970s.”


→“In the upcoming election, an icon of democracy will face the voters.”


Live it up

To lead an exuberant and flamboyant life style(豪華できらびやかな生活をする)

→“It irritates us that our son is away in America living it up on scholarship.”


→“The prime minister’s wife is living it up while her husband is attending a 3-week conference in Europe.”



An autopsy; an investigation as to why a plan failed(検死・解剖、計画等がどうして失敗したか調査すること)

→“The government has announced its plan to increase postmortems in deaths which are deemed suspicious.”


→“We are conducting a postmortem to find out what went wrong in our plan.”

