今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

HOT WORDS No. 65 (April 13, 2012)

Bona fide

Authentic (正真正銘の、偽りない)

→“This is bona fide French wine.”


→“Only bona fide Christians are permitted to get married in this church.”



Radiant and beautiful brilliance(まばゆく美しい輝き)

→“The model proceeded on the catwalk, wrapped in postmodern effulgence.”


→“The candle burned and bathed her in strange effulgence.”


Face the music

To accept punishment or criticism for one’s action(自分のしたことについての罰や批判に甘んじる)

→“You’ve had your fan causing nuisance to the neighborhood. Now you have to face the music.”


→“The hedge fund manager finally agreed to face the music, appearing before the congressional Finance Committee.”



Unusually giant(尋常にないほど大きな)

→“The new government is facing a gargantuan challenge.”


→“This is growing into a gargantuan organization.”



A conference or meeting (会議・会合)

→“An office meet was called for this afternoon.”


→“The anti-nuclear power group will hold a meet next week.”




→“I want you to change your manner of speech. I find it nettlesome.”


→“China is urged by the world community to rein in its nettlesome ally.”



Nonfunctional or inactive(機能・活動していない、無作動の)

→“Electricity went offline when the big earthquake hit the city.”


→“The last nuclear power plant was taken offline.”

