今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

HOT WORDS No. 62 (March 23, 2012)


A pompous or pretentious behavior or appearance (偉ぶったまたは格好つけた素振りや雰囲気)

→“They ridicule her behind her back for the way she tries to put on airs.”


→“He has unrefined airs about him.”



A time when you barely avoid a difficult or dangerous situation (難しいまたは危険な状況をかろうじて逃れること)

→“It was a brush with death when I dozed off while driving on the highway and lost control.”


→“Our son has had a few brushes with the law.”


Hang on (Past and past participle: hung)

To depend on; to grip something tightly; to wait; to listen attentively(依存する、しっかり掴む、待つ、聞き入る)

→“The bank’s future hangs on the government’s economic policy.”


→“The old man hung on to the handrail as he went down the stairs.”


→“Hang on, let me first turn off the TV.”


→“The audience hung on the Dalai Lama as he began to speak.”



To present a difficult or challenging situation(難関や試練を生みだす)

→“The nuclear accident posed a grave danger to the residents.”


→“Tax reform poses a complex test for the president’s re-election campaign.”


→“‘How do you expect the European Union to accept your proposal?’ she posed the question during the Senate hearing.”



To entertain(余興を与える、楽しませる)

→“As she drove me around the neighborhood, she regaled me with funny descriptions of the residents.”


→“She regaled herself with music.”



The cost; money owed(費用、勘定・つけ)

→“The US requested of Japan to pay the tab to relocate its marines from Okinawa to Iwakuni.”


→“Put it on my company tab.”



Complete and not having any grievance(欠けているものや不満がない状態)

→“The president’s public apology made the employees whole again.”


→“Because the new job meant a salary cut, the company offered him a generous sign-on bonus to make him whole.”

