今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

HOT WORDS No. 60 (March 9, 2012)


External appearance(雰囲気)

→“The actress has an air of elegant serenity.”

→“This whole story has an air of mystery.”


A noisy battle or quarrel in public (公の場でのうるさい喧嘩)

→“The fans of the two opposing teams had a brawl after the game.”

→“They are having a brawl over something rather trivial.”


To put something firmly in something else (何かに根強く植え付ける)

→“Sensitivity for others’ feelings became embedded in my personality after that experience.”

→“Boredom was embedded in the fabric of their work.”


Excited; red in the face with strong emotions(興奮した、強い感情で顔が赤くなった)

→“The boy was flushed with pleasure when he saw the new toy.”

→“She stood there with a flushed face.”

Geared to or for

To be arranged and structured for a given purpose(何らかの目的の為にアレンジ・構成された)

→“All the bus seats are geared to mid-size people.”

→“Our university has a program geared for students with high English proficiency.”



→“He didn’t think that taking the ring from his wife would come under the head of theft.”

→“In a broad sense, religion comes under the head of philosophy.”


To justify one’s act or view by appealing to something else such as the law and religion; to seek support from a higher authority; to cause a certain feeling or image to appear in others’ minds(法や宗教など外部要因に訴えて自分の行動や見解を正当化する、権威に頼って支持を得ようとする、ある感情やイメージを心に呼び起こす)

→“The protester invoked the Fifth Amendment when the police questioned her.”

→“The authoritarian regime invoked a familiar enemy to get the citizens’ support.”

→“The ancients invoked gods to explain the processes of nature.”

→“This story by Kawabata invokes powerful nostalgia about the Showa period.”


Froth or foam from exerting and sweating; a state of mental agitation and stress(奮起した結果の泡立ち、精神的に興奮したりストレスを感じている状態)

→“The horse was all of a lather and panting after the race.”

→“I was so worried and upset about her e-mail that I worked myself into a lather.”


Somebody who is assertive in a controversial way(物議をかもしだす人、扇動者)

→“The provocateur was forced out of the ruling party.”

→“In time people began to label the commentator as a provocateur.”


To form a line; to desire something strongly(行列する、強く欲する)

→“A crowd of young fans queued in front of the concert hall for a glance at AKB48.”

→“Chinese students are queuing up to study in the United States.”


Currently in power; ruling; predominant(現在統治している、最も優勢な)

→“The eldest son is the emperor regnant.”

→“Hegelian dialectic was the regnant ideology in 19th century Germany.”


To destroy someone’s belief or the government’s power & authority(誰かの信条もしくは政府の権力を破壊する)

→“I don’t want nonbelievers to come and subvert my children’s Christian faith.”

→“The rebels keep trying to subvert the established system through daily protests.”


To forcefully or roughly pull something from its current position(力づくで、若しくは荒々しく、何かを引っ張って動かす)

→“The store clerk rudely wrenched the item from my hand.”

→“The unexpected gravitational force wrenched an entire planet into a new celestial orbit.”

→“The teenager struggled to wrench himself free from the policeman.”
