今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

HOT WORDS No. 58 (Feb 24, 2012)

Apply oneself

To make efforts and work hard(努力して励む)

→“I applied myself to studying a foreign language.”

→“You can do it. I know you are smart and talented. You just didn’t have the motivation to apply yourself till now.”

Blaze a trail

To do something significant that will set a new trend or practice(新しいトレンドや慣習を促すような意義深い事をする)

→“Young farmers are blazing a trail in the rural areas.”

→“Google blazed a trail for other creative minds to follow.”


The rising and falling flow of sounds(上下する音の流れ)

→“The cadences of the music reverberated throughout the courtyard.”

→“The children sang in a chiming cadence.”


Weakness due to illness(病などによる弱化)

→“Debility sometimes plays a part in depression.”

→“He is suffering from mental and physical debility.”


To meet the requirements and successfully take place(必要条項を満たし成功する)

→“This idea of an all-service business consulting firm may fly. Let’s discuss the logistical details.”

→“I’m sorry your plan would not fly.”


To bombard someone with a lot of questions(質問攻めにする)

→“When I come home after 9 pm, my wife grills me about how I spent the evening.”

→“The hardliners are going to grill the president in Congress.”


Refusal to acquiesce or cooperate; someone who engages in such an act(抵抗または非協調、そのような行動をする人)

→“I urge you to stop engaging in such a holdout. You are not accomplishing anything”

→“49 states accepted the federal offer, with Oklahoma being the only holdout.”


To endanger; to expose to risks(危険にさらす)

→“A tuition hike may imperil enrollment.”

→“Technical difficulties will likely imperil the project.”


Freedom from interference when doing something(行動の自由)

→“Parents must give their children lots of leeway to pursue their interests.”

→“The troops are seeking more leeway in the way they carry out the military campaign.”


To interfere and tamper with(干渉する)

→“I don’t appreciate my mother-in-law meddling in the way I run my house.”

→“The government official is suspected of meddling in the local election.”


Lying face down; powerless due to a physical or psychological cause; submissive before a greater authority(うつ伏せの、肉体的または精神的な理由で意気消沈した、権力の前にひれ伏した)

→“The doctor told the patient to lie prostrate on the bed.”

→“When the fans learned about the singer’s death, they were prostrate with shock and grief.”

→“The small nation was totally prostrate before the neighboring empire.”

→“She was in the church, prostrate in prayer.”

Replete with

Full of something(~で充満している)

→“This essay is replete with anti-war sentiments.”

→“Look at this picture. It is replete with historical significance.”

→“The US presidential election campaign is replete with personal attacks that have little to do with politics.”



→“She has wide-ranging interests, from music, literature, mathematics, the sciences, to sundry other subjects.”

→“He resigned from his post for sundry reasons.”
