今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 49 (Dec 16, 2011)

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For rumor or excitement to be spreading among people(うわさや興奮が広まっていく状態)

→“The school was abuzz with concern when the news was broken that the principal had been hospitalized.”

→“The whole nation is abuzz over the news.”


Active and healthy; quick and energetic(活発で健全な、エネルギッシュで迅速な)

→“Uniqlo’s new flagship store had brisk sales.”

→“The new teacher took her position behind the lectern and addressed the class in a brisk tone.”


To deal with a difficult situation(難局に対処する)

→“You work full time and also go to graduate school. I don’t know how you cope.”

→“The townspeople are coping with the crisis with courage and resilience.”


Serious and uninteresting; unexcited and unenthusiastic(つまらない、そっけない)

→“The professor assigned us an extremely dry article on the history of criminal law.”

→“Anyone can see that, she said dryly.”


An advantage(比較有利)

→“That bookstore decided to go digital so as to get an edge over its competitors.”

→“The emerging markets have a trade edge that propels their rapid economic growth.”


To make tiny adjustments to something so it functions well (細かな調整を施して良く機能するようにする)

→“We stayed up till 3 am, fine-tuning our plan.”

→“The nation is trying to fine-tune its economic policy so the environmental impact would be minimal.”

Home in on

To focus on a weak or problematic part(弱点や問題点に焦点を当てる)

→“I have constructed the main argument. Now I must home in on the likely objections.”

→“Scientists are now homing in on the missing link in the theory of evolution.”


Upset, angry(怒った)

→“By the time I returned her call 3 days later, my mom was irate.”

→“The mayor is irate as the central government has failed to reveal a planned budget cut.”


To make someone feel insignificant and unworthy(軽んじる、重要視しない)

→“As I grow older, I am beginning to feel marginalized in the office.”

→“Whether the rescue plan for the village succeeds or fails, the central government will feel marginalized.”


A person of importance and bearing(重要な人物、名士)

→“He is the most prosperous and powerful personage in town.”

→“I looked up and saw a rich gentleman or some such worthy personage.”

Rest with

To hinge on; to be determined by; to be responsible for a final decision(~にかかっている、最終決定権を持っている)

→“The outcome of the peace talks rests with the US presidential election.”

→“I have told you what I would do if I were you. The final decision rests with you.”


Mysterious; hidden from view(神秘的な、陰に隠れた)

→“Some say that, although ghosts do not exist in the actual world, they subsist in some shadowy realm.”

→“Secret service agents lead a rather shadowy life.”

Tip off

To give a secret warning or confidential information(秘密裏に忠告や情報を与える)

→“My trusted coworker tipped me off that company management is pondering my promotion.”

→“Some people noticed the problem and tipped off the police, but they ignored the information.”

In the works

Under consideration or in planning(検討中、計画中)

→“Fundamental changes to the company policy are in the works.”

→“A major restructuring plan is in the works for the city.”

→“A new system for storing data is in the works.”
