今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 45 (Nov 18, 2011)

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To avoid; to prevent(防ぐ)

→“Some say that the current financial crisis could not have been averted.”

→“A disaster control plan is designed to avert tragic consequences.”


To split in two(二分化する)

→“This little alley bisects the town into pre- and post-war quarters.”

→“Look at this shape. It is a crudely bisected square.”


To move fast, losing control(コントロールを失って疾走する)

→“The horse careened off the path.”

→“The toddler careened on the floor.”


To make someone or something weak or ineffective(弱化または非効率化させる)

→“Her recent loss of employment is debilitating her.”

→“The floods debilitated the global auto parts supply networks.”


A solution or repair; a difficult situation or problem(問題解決又は修理、難局)

→“This is one potential fix, though not the best.”

→“The airline’s technical problem got a fix.”

→“The ongoing recession has put the financial industry in a serious fix.”

→“You have to work harder to meet the deadline. Otherwise, you will be in a big fix.”


Having the needed expertise or skill to be helpful(必要とされるスキルや情報を持ち合わせた)

→“It would be good to know her. She is the go-to person in the office when you have a question.”

→“He is the go-to guy in matters of facility management.”


Local or native(原産の、地元の)

→“Anthropologist Margaret Mead went to Samoa to study indigenous culture.”

→“Indigenous people complain that industrial pollution is threatening their health and economy.”

Log (11/18/11)

To officially record(公式に記録する)

→“When you call the lawyer’s office, you should bear in mind that all phone calls are logged.”

→“Convenience stores logged record sales figures.”

→“Utility companies logged a big loss in the aftermath of the earthquake.”


Difficult to see or understand; lacking transparency in conduct or quality(難解な、行動や性格が不透明で怪しい)

→“The president’s intentions are murky as the government proceeds to fill a vacuum created by the region-wide protest.”

→“The company hired a new legal counsel, but his background is murky.”


To fall suddenly(急降下する)

→“When I changed my jobs, my income plummeted from 10 million yen to 6 million.”

→“Foreign tourism in the disaster-struck area plummeted.”


Accessible to only a small group of people(少数の人しかアクセスできない)

→“The new museum in the upscale part of town has a rarefied atmosphere.”

→“On the strength of modern technology, the residents of Silicon Valley live in a rather rarefied neighborhood.”


To get rid of; to drop(削除する、落とす)

→“You have to exercise on a regular basis and shed some weight.”

→“The child started shedding tears when the policeman asked her where she lives.”


A unique manner or style of doing something(ユニークなやり口、様式)

→“I chose this college because I liked the president’s personal touch.”

→“The young politician’s common touch is a hit with the electorate.”
