今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 44 (Nov 11, 2011)

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To be numerous(多数である)

→“Gossips about the presidential candidate abound in the media.”

→“Innovation abounded at the new technology fair.”


To move fast, losing control(コントロールを失って疾走する)

→“When I was driving on the highway, this motorcycle suddenly came from behind and barreled into the side of our car.”

→“The race car barreled off the course and went straight into the curve.”


To give up something and surrender it to someone(何かを手放す)

→“The empire finally agreed to cede the tiny geographical area to the minority residing there.”

→“The authoritarian regime wants to dominate global arts without ceding any control of domestic freedom of expression.”

Crunch time

An important decision-making moment(重要な決断を迫られる瞬間)

→“The crunch time came when my name was announced.”

→“The debate over climate change is at crunch time.”


A situation of impossibility to reach agreement(交渉などの行き詰まり)

→“Our 4-hour negotiation ended in deadlock.”

→“The prime minister is struggling to end the political deadlock.”


Someone who raises questions so as to alert people into action(民衆を行動に駆り立てる為に問題提起する人物)

→“When young, the philosopher was a firebrand, irritating the people with his endless questions.”

→“Due to the recent scandal, the party put the political firebrand on a five-year suspension.”


Unhappy and untalkative(不服で口数少ない、先行き良くない)

→“What happened? Why do you look so glum?”

→“The government’s outlook is glum for economic growth and jobs.”


To make progress difficult(進展を難しくする)

→“The typhoon impeded our departure.”

→“Tangled relationships impede efforts to change the political system.”


To remain in an undesirable situation, not able to get out(好ましからぬ状況に停滞する)

→“The stock market is still languishing as the recession continues.”

→“The commuters languished amid the traffic turmoil.”


Likelihood; difficulties(物事が実現する確率、試練・難点)

→“Political commentators are trying to work out the odds of the president’s re-election bid.”

→“They applauded the speaker for battling against the odds to become the first female general.”

Soldier on

To keep up the effort despite difficulties(苦境にも関わらず努力を続ける)

→“When my boss announced his early retirement, I lost heart and could not motivate myself to Undaunted by the criticism from the audience, the speaker soldiered on.”

→“Undaunted by the criticism from the audience, the speaker soldiered on.”


Sad or serious, allowing no humor(ユーモアを許さないような悲しい又は荘厳な)

→“They stood in somber silence as the coffin was lowered into the grave.”

→“She submitted her letter of resignation with a somber face.”


A balance between positive and negative considerations; a benefit in return for some favor(プラス要因とマイナス要因のバランス、見返り)

→“In order to beat competition, we weighed the trade-off between quality services and sheer volume.”

→“The nation seeks a trade-off for letting the major automaker enter its bourgeoning market.”


Small, dry and wrinkled from aging(年を取ってしなびた・しわだらけの)

→“It is true that she is a harmless wizened lady, but she has a great sense of humor.”

→“The door opened and in walked a skinny, wizened old man in his 80s.”
