今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 40 (Oct 14, 2011)

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Deification; a perfect example of something; the highest point(神格化、完璧な事例、頂点)

→“There is a problem with the apotheosis of the printed media.”

→“His concise writing is the apotheosis of precision.”

→“She is at the apotheosis of her youth.”


For something unpleasant to happen soon(何か悪い事・不快な事が起こりつつある)

→“When I walked into the office and saw my coworkers’ face, I knew that something ominous was brewing.”

→“Fears of a civil war are brewing in the city.”


To restrain; to limit or reduce(制御する、制限・削減する)

→“Potential negative consequences curtailed the police investigation into the political scandal.”

→“Budget cuts have significantly curtailed our company benefits, such as a discounted gym membership.”


The best example of something(最適の例)

→“The old politician became the epitome of corruption.”

→“Some say that Japanese women are the epitome of elegance.”


Someone or something that effects a major change in the way things are done or thought of(既存のシステムや様式を大きく変える人又は物)

→“The new digital gadget was a game-changer in the way we communicate with one another.”

→“Steven Jobs altered the way we think about technology. He was a true game-changer.”



→“When I was in college, I was known to be a student of industry.”

→“In order to succeed in anything, one needs patience, persistence and industry.”


Critical support on which someone depends(必要不可欠なサポート)

→“Internet has become a lifeline for millions of people worldwide.”

→“In the wake of the major earthquake, the neighboring nations gave a lifeline to the disaster-stricken country.”


Old and stale; moldy(古くて新鮮さに欠けている、カビが生えている)

→“I opened the door to a back room. The air was musty from having been long enclosed.”

→“In the window of the bakery I saw musty biscuits.”


Small, weak and inferior; insignificant(小さく弱々しく低質な、取るに足らない)

→“His puny faith in democracy was completely shattered by what he went through during the revolution.”

→“I made a puny attempt to stop the horse.”

Riddled with

To be full of(~で充満している)

→“The air conditioner broke down and the office became riddled with heat and humidity.”

→“The entire village was riddled with anti-foreigner sentiment.”


Diligent and tireless(勤勉・熱心な)

→“When I was in college, I was a sedulous student.”

→“The child sedulously ate the cookie.”


Timid and fearful(弱気でおどおどした)

→“When I was a child, I was a timorous little thing.”

→“She went out into the dark night and proceeded with slow and timorous steps.”


Simple and unembellished in description; blunt(飾り気のない、ありのままの)

→“The child gave his parents an unvarnished account of how he was treated at the new school.”

→“The prime minister gave an unvarnished address to the parliament.”


Exposed to danger; can be easily damaged or hurt(危険にさらされた、傷つきやすい)

→“The once-popular prime minister suddenly finds himself vulnerable amidst the scandal.”

→“The company is refusing to change the blueprint that had left the emergency backup system vulnerable.”

→“I narrowly survived a vulnerable childhood.”
