今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 38 (Sep 30, 2011)

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(As noun) A great effort intended to attain a given objective; a sudden military attack(何らかの目的を成就する為の尽力、急襲)

→“We need your help. We will have a cleaning blitz on the house.”

→“The small nation was not prepared for the blitz from the invading forces.”

(As verb) To attack suddenly(急襲する)

→“The team blitzed its rival team.”

→“The village was blitzed by the hurricane.”


A difficult situation due to a shortage of something; an important decision-making moment(何かの不足による困難な状態、重要な決断を迫られる瞬間)

→“The company just announced that it will freeze the employees’ salary so as to pull through the financial crunch.”

→“The high unemployment rate among women is only exacerbating the day care crunch.”

→“The crunch abruptly came when I found myself alone in the elevator with my boss.”


Shiny or attractive in an artificial and superficial way; sleek(うわべだけ輝いている又は取り飾った)

→“Her glossy social life came to an end when she lost her fortune in the stock market crash.”

→“She dyed her hair glossy black.”


Expressionless and mysterious as to what one’s is thinking or feeling(無表情で何を考えているか分からない)

→“A tiny old man answered the door. His expression was inscrutable.”

→“Some Westerners find Asians inscrutable.”


Few in words(口数少ない)

→“The station clerk gave me a laconic reply when I politely asked for directions.”

→“She was hostile and laconic throughout dinner.”


To arrest; to grab in a hurry(逮捕する、大急ぎで確保する)

→“The new regime nabbed the protesters in a large-scale crackdown.”

→“I rushed into the train and nabbed a window seat.”


A reform; an improvement(改正、是正)

→“The procedure is in need of an overhaul.”

→“The government promised a complete overhaul of the tax system.”


To strike hard; to slam; to walk or run with heavy and loud footsteps(強打する、大きな音を立てて歩く又は走る)

→“A typhoon pounded the coastal areas, leaving scores of people dead.”

→“When I worked as a salesman, I had to be out pounding the pavement every day.”


To think ; to evaluate someone or something as highly important or powerful; to pass judgment(考える、非常に強力であると判断する、審判を下す)

→“I reckon that they will never capture the thief.”

→“The Japanese team has become a force to be reckoned with.”

→“What you did was immoral and wrong. You will not get away with that. The day of reckoning will come!”


To talk in a friendly manner(親しげに会話する)

→“Let’s schmooze over coffee by the window.”

→“The new leader schmoozed with the European heads of state at the UN meeting.”


To stagger(よろめく)

→“The baby teetered along in its new shoes.”

→“As the plan teeters, a huge loss looms.”


To sell cheaper so as to beat competition; to make weaker or less effective(競合相手に勝てるよう安売りする、相手の能力や効果を弱化する)

→“Amazon undercuts retail bookstores.”

→“Lack of sleep is undercutting my job performance.”


Somebody who illegally punishes criminals who are escaping the police(犯罪者を違法に罰する自警団員)

→“You can’t take the law into your hand like that. You would be a vigilante if you did.”

→“Vigilantes were arrested for throwing rocks at the illegal immigrants.”
