今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 33 (Aug 19, 2011)

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Existing before a war, in particular, the American Civil War(戦前の、特にアメリカ南北戦争以前の)

→“Conditions of antebellum slavery were simply inhuman.”

→“Harriet Stowe’s ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ describes the antebellum South.”


An edge(淵、外縁、瀬戸際)

→“The company ran up a huge debt and was on the brink of default.”

→“The nationwide protest movement is driving the country to the brink of dissolution.”

→“I had lost my job and lover and was feeling quite hopeless. But the chance encounter with the street evangelist pulled me back from the brink of despair.”


To collide (car, plane, etc); to malfunction (PC and financial market); to make a loud noise(車などが衝突する、コンピューターや金融市場などが不機能となる、大きな音を発する)

→“He fell asleep while driving and crashed into a roadside tree.”

→“Just as I was getting ready to leave, the computer crashed and I had to stay another hour to have it fixed.”

→“It suddenly started raining heavy and I heard thunder crash outside.”


To make someone scared or less confident(恐れさせる、自信を弱める)

→“It’s my first day back to work after a two-week vacation. I am daunted by the cumulated work.”

→“The political party is daunted by the prospect of a massive election defeat.”

→“The new prime minister’s to-do list is long and daunting.”


Lively, happy, excited and bubbly(活き活きして喜びあふれる)

→“Then the door swung open and this effervescent little girl skipped into the room.”

→“Everybody likes to be with him because of his effervescent character.”


A damage; a negative effect(打撃、悪い効果)

→“The Japanese economy took a major hit in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake.”

→“The stock market took a hit amid the ongoing debt crisis in Europe.”


Attended by all members; full and unlimited(全員出席の、全権を有する)

→“In our office, we have a plenary meeting once a month.”

→“The diplomat was given plenary powers to negotiate peace with the enemy forces.”


A physical or emotional support(物理的または精神的なサポート)

→“When the major earthquake hit, the bookcase served as a prop to hold up the ceiling.”

→“She told me that she no longer needed me as a prop for her life.”


An entire range, from one end to the other(全範囲)

→“These two thinkers represent opposite ends of the philosophical spectrum.”

→“President Obama’s speech won accolades across a wide ideological spectrum.”


To portend; to be a sign for some future trouble(悪いことの前触れとなる)

→“This latest accident could spell disaster for the local economy.”

→“The recent revolution in the small state spells danger for the neighboring countries.”


A small amount(微量)

→“Her hair has a brown tinge.”

→“I detected a tinge of irritation in her voice.”


For something to cause something else; to turn something into a different form or nature(何かを引き起こす原因となる、何かを別の形や質に転換する)

→“The Republicans believe that tax cuts will translate into job creation.”

→“He has translated his experience into a lucrative business.”


Annoying; irritating; troublesome(イライラする、問題ある)

→“That presents a vexing problem for the parents.”

→“Office romance is always a vexing issue.”


Tired, bored and worn out(疲れた、飽きた、嫌気がさした)

→“When her son started complaining about school again, Jane grew weary and walked out of the kitchen.”

→“Weary users are seeking ways to put the flood of social networks under control.”
