今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 31 (Aug 5, 2011)

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To foreshadow; to describe in an incomplete way(予示する、漠然と表現する)

→“What happened in this town 50 years ago distantly adumbrates the present state of racial tension.”

→“The child adumbrated what he had witnessed at the police station.”


To deceive or trick(騙す、はめる)

→“I am smarter now. You can’t bamboozle me this time.”

→“The corrupt detective bamboozled his ex-girlfriend with a framed theft charge.”


To flow down in large quantities(多量に流れ落ちる)

→“I was quite impressed by the way Niagara Falls cascaded down the cliff.”

→“When she took off the hat, her beautiful hair cascaded down her back.”


Unexpected, often negative, consequences(予想しなかった悪い結末)

→“The energy company decided to keep operating the nuclear power plant despite the recent crisis fallout.”

→“The leader is taking steps to prevent fallout of the latest scandal.”

Heavy on

With a stress on; using a lot of(~に重点を置いた、~をたくさん使用する)

→“Ms. Yamamoto’s English test is heavy on grammatical correctness.”

→“This air conditioner is heavy on electricity.”


A point where no further move is possible due to disagreement; stalemate(行き詰まり)

→“The Middle East peace talks are at an impasse.”

→“The impasse over the US debt limit tested the patience of investors worldwide.”


Legitimate; authentic(正当な、正真正銘の)

→“I would only be interested in a deal that is fair and kosher.”

→“Are you sure your business practice is kosher?”


The center of something(何かの中心)

→“Wall Street is the locus of US economy.”

→“In the American political system the locus of power is evenly split between the White House and Congress.”


To appease(なだめる)

→“The mother gave the crying child a lollypop to mollify him.”

→“The government fired the unpopular minister in order to mollify the protesters.”


Domineering; oppressive; pushy; overwhelming(高圧的、押しつけがましい)

→“She turned down his marriage proposal. She says she could not stand his overbearing manner.”

→“The United Nations has determined that the nation has been overbearing in its trade disputes with the neighboring countries.”


A minor offense or vice(些細な悪い行為や欠点)

→“The president has been caught in several peccadillos, but the public forgave him each time.”

→“His peccadillo is that he covets shoes, compulsively buying new ones that appear on the market.”


(As verb) To make right something that is unfair or wrong(是正する)

→“The harm is done. There is nothing you can do to redress the situation.”

→“After Apartheid was finally abolished, the South African government tried hard to redress the balance for the black people.”

(As noun) Compensation(補償金)

→“The disaster victims got redress for their financial losses.”

→“The kid next door broke our window and I had to take his parents to court for redress.”


Immoral; ugly and unpleasant(非道徳的な、醜く不快な)

→“She decided to break the engagement when she discovered her fiancé’s sordid past.”

→“This film is a sordid tale of an orphaned girl.”
