今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 30 (July 29, 2011)

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For a brief time(ちょっとの間)

→“Wait for me awhile. I just want to send this one e-mail.”

→“Okay, we are pulling into the rest area. Get off the bus and stretch awhile.”


An exaggerated reaction; overblown attention(大袈裟な評判、過剰に取り沙汰されること)

→“I am sick of all the brouhaha that the media are creating about the astronaut.”

→“There was a widespread brouhaha when the actress announced her intention to run for president.”


The dawning of a feeling that something has been completed and put to rest(事やプロセスに終止符が打たれたという実感、心の区切り)

→“The solemn graduation ceremony gave the students a sense of closure.”

→“The execution of the serial murderer brought a closure to the victims’ families.”


To weaken or destroy gradually(~を徐々に弱める・破壊する)

→“The manager’s pattern of verbal abuse is corroding the team members’ confidence in the company.”

→“The spread of drug addiction among the youth is corroding the country.”


An ancestor; a precursor(先祖、前身)

→“My favorite pastime is to look up my forebears in the family tree.”

→“I am interested in Judaism as the forebear of Christianity.”


Extremely sad and melancholy(非常に悲しい)

→“I heard a lugubrious howl from the bushes and turned around.”

→“What’s wrong? You look so lugubrious today.”


To serve as a sign that something bad is going to happen(何か悪いことが起こる兆しとなる、前触れとなる)

→“Before the calamity struck the coastal village, there were some strange phenomena that portended disaster.”

→“This latest white-collar crime portends a wave of similar sophisticated criminal acts by copycats.”



→“During our one-on-one meeting, my boss gave me an ultimatum. It prodded me into quick action to drive up my sales figures.”

→“The party members are now prodding the unpopular president to resign before his term is up.”


To rise or increase rapidly(急激に浮上・増加する、空高くそびえる)

→“After the major disaster, insurance claims soared.”

→“From here you can see the Tokyo Sky Tree soaring over the Sumida River.”

A spate of

A high frequency of similar events or phenomena in a relatively short time span(短期の間に頻繁に起きる似たような事件や現象)

→“Chiba Prefecture has been having a spate of muggings.”

→“People are frightened to make a trip up north after a spate of gang attacks there.”


Insolent boldness(無礼な大胆さ、向う見ず)

→“The tailor had the temerity to tell me to lose weight so the pants will fit me.”

→“That pitcher has a reputation for temerity.”


A place for some event to take place(会議やイベントが催される場所)

→“We had a phone chat and agreed on a date and a venue for a meeting the following week.”

→“Lady Gaga will play at 7 venues in Asia.”


Cunning and manipulative(狡賢い、狡猾な)

→“That lady is elegant and attractive on the outside, but I have heard rumors that she could be wily.”

→“The wily politician is back in the spotlight in the wake of the latest scandal.”


Yearning for something that is beyond one’s reach(実現不可能なものを念頭に物欲しげな、懐かしげな)

→“My grandfather looked wistful as he said how wonderful it would be to be young again.”

→“‘I stayed in this apartment for the first 2 years of college,’ she said with a wistful smile.”
