今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 29 (July 22, 2011)

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An array of

An impressive number of(驚くべき多くの)

→“At the museum we saw an array of artifacts from ancient Greece.”

→“Her library has an array of world literature.”


To show anger or displeasure(憤慨やいら立ちを表す)

→“The homeless person bristled at the policeman’s rough treatment.”

→“She was hurt and bristled when her husband ignored her complaints.”

→“The student bristled at the teacher’s criticism.”


To discuss in detail(詳細に渡って話し合う)

→“The directors got together to canvass the options.”

→“After the event, its details were canvassed by those who had attended it.”


A large group or gathering of people(大勢の群衆)

→“Every year droves of international students enroll at New York University.”

→“Shoppers came in droves when the new department store opened in Ginza.”


To fail to pass a test or to meet a set of requirements(試験に落ちる、資格を満たすのに失敗する)

→“When he flunked the final exam, he chose to drop out of high school.”

→“Eight major banks flunked the new requirements set by the government.”

A litany of

A long list of; a group of(延々としたリスト、集合体)

→“He came late for the date and started offering her a litany of excuses.”

→“A litany of factors contributed to the accident.”


To silence(口を塞ぐ、黙らせる)

→“The media were muzzled by the authoritarian regime.”

→“The dissident was finally freed but was muzzled by the government from speaking out.”


A beginner; a novice(新米、新しいメンバー)

→“A 6-year-old neophyte got on the stage and started dancing a Tchaikovsky piece.”

→“As a neophyte of the religious order, she had to wake up at 4 every morning.”



→“When I told my wife I had been delayed by traffic, she did not believe it, screaming, ‘Poppycock!’”

→“That’s a lot of poppycock you got there.”


A temporary reprieve; a short break(一時的な息つく暇)

→“The president and his family got a respite from a hectic schedule in a small island.”

→“I have been swamped today, working without respite since the morning.”


(As verb) To successfully grab; to attain some difficult objective(何かを巧みに手中にする、難しいゴールを達成する)

→“Our son snagged a home run ball and was ecstatic.”

→“The aircraft manufacturer snags another record order.”

Talk up

To speak about something in such a way as to make it appear better or more important; to promote something extravagantly(実際より良いという印象を与えるために少し誇張・脚色した話し方をする)

→“The manager attempted to talk up the early retirement package, but the employees remained skeptical.”

→“The carmaker is talking up their new vehicle to the young market.”

→“It was revealed that a high-ranking government official was behind the talk-up about the new nuclear power plant.”


Appearance or surface that hides a deeper reality(秘められた真相を覆う表層)

→“A veneer of gentlemanly sophistication hides his rude and unrefined nature.”

→“With the proposed reform, the faltering government has acquired a veneer of legitimacy.”


To activate or leverage; to take a weapon or tool in one’s hand with an intent to use it(発揮する、武器や道具などを使う意図で手に取る)

→“Europe is wielding influence in the direction of world economy.”

→“He was arrested for wielding a wooden sword in public.”
