今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 27 (July 8, 2011)

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At a fast pace(速いペースで)

→“The anti-government riot spread apace after a 10-year-old boy was shot and killed by the government forces.”

→“Her generosity grew apace as she became richer and richer.”


To cause into being; to bring about(発生させる、引き起こす)

→“Bad family relationships often breed psychological disorders.”

→“A miserable failure sometimes breeds a spectacular success.”


A large collection(大量のコレクション・集合体)

→“According to a corpus of new data, the disease can be very deadly if it’s not treated immediately.”

→“The national library has the entire corpus of ancient Greek manuscripts.”


A reduction or decrease(縮減、削減)

→“She turned down the job offer because it would have meant a drawdown in income.”

→“The US is contemplating a troop drawdown in its overseas military operations.”

Even keel

Stable; solid(安定した、堅実な)

1. On an even keel

→“I value stability above everything. That’s why I want to keep our relationship on an even keel.”

2. Even-keeled

→“They trust her as a leader because she is intelligent and even-keeled.”


Frightening and shocking in an upsetting way(気分を害するように恐ろしい、又はショッキングな)

→“Our daughter went through a harrowing time when she was interviewed by the persistent TV crew.”

→“There was a shooting on the bus. That was the most harrowing experience of my life.”


A tool or means with which to get the result one seeks(目的を達成する為の道具や手段)

→“She uses her charms as a lever to advance her career.”

→“His fluent English is a powerful lever at his disposal to drive up global sales.”


To be so good and ideal that others would envy(他人が羨ましがるように良い)

→“I accepted the job offer on the spot. It was a plum job.”

→“The school gave him the plum role of leading the graduation ceremony.”

(As noun) Something very good and ideal that others would envy(他人が羨ましがるように良いもの)

→“When they asked her to translate the latest bestseller by Miyuki Miyabe, she just could not possibly pass it up. It was a real plum.”


To strongly criticize(激しく叱責する)

→“My new book was ripped by literary critics.”

→“The new UN chief ripped the authoritarian regime for its poor human rights record.”


To work hard without resting; to go tirelessly on a journey(休むことなく働 き続ける、目的地に向かって進行を続ける)

→“Ever since I got promoted at work, I have been slogging away as if nothing else mattered.”

→“When I found out that the train was delayed, I decided to slog my way to the office.”

A long, tiring work or journey(長く疲れる仕事・道のり)

→“Being an accountant sometimes means having to put up with a slog, but this is the profession I chose.”

→“Life is like an uphill slog with a heavy rucksack on your back.”


Thorough-going; sweeping; in totality(全体に行きわたる、包括的な、全部ひっくるめて)

→“The earthquake and tsunami caused a wholesale destruction of the coastal region.”

→“When I converted to the religion, I decided to embrace the entire doctrine wholesale.”

Zero in on

To focus on(集中する、脚光をあてる)

→“While I was lecturing, I could not help zeroing in on the well-dressed elderly gentleman seated in the center of the auditorium.”

→“The new museum zeros in on the history of labor unions in this country.”
