今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 25 (June 24, 2011)

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Attraction; appeal(魅力)

→“The senior entertainer just celebrated his 80th birthday. He has lost none of his allure for his loyal fans worldwide.”

→“With all the modern technological innovations rapidly changing the world, the old village retains its allure for tourists.”


A situation or environment conducive for making money(お金儲けをできる状況・環境)

→“I was in Las Vegas last week and it was a bonanza.”

→“The dot-com industry is no longer a bonanza.”


For two parties to fight (e.g., armies) or disagree (e.g., opinions); for a schedule to conflict(武装対立する、意見が食い違う、スケジュールがバッティングする)

→“The protesters and the police clashed in front of the government building.”

→“The two debaters violently clashed over the proposed international free trade zone.”

→“I could not attend the free open lecture as it clashed with a business meeting.”


To cause trouble(問題を引き起こす)

→“Back pain has been dogging me for months now.”

→“The leader is dogged by mounting criticism.”


To gradually weaken or reduce(徐々に弱化・縮減させる)

→“When I left the US and returned to Japan, I lost day-to-day contact with my friend George, which eroded our friendship over time.”

→“Although she is still in good shape at 70, Jane does feel that her robust health is being slowly eroded away.”


To send something to a destination by means of channeling(お金、情報、その他をある目的地または受け取り手に送り込む)

→“The spy kept gathering classified information from all sources and then funneling it to the secret police back home.”

→“The government caught a ship suspected of funneling arms to the neighboring country.”


To be so happy and excited as to feel dizzy(頭がくらくらするくらいうれしい又は興奮した)

→“When Jane finally accepted his proposal, Michael felt giddy with joy.”

→“The rosy economic prospects ahead are turning investors giddy.”


Easy to follow or understand(分かりやすい)

→“His heavily accented English is not so intelligible.”

→“Her lecture is highly informative and well-researched, but, unfortunately, her audience does not find it intelligible.”


A nervous feeling of concern; a premonition(緊張、不吉な予感)

→“Each time I have to make a report at the board meeting, I get the jitters.”

→“The stock market declined amid jitters on Wall Street.”


A temporary malfunction; a minor oversight or negligence; a space of time between two events(一時的な故障や機能不全、些細な見過ごし、経過)

→“The new nuclear power plant is beset by safety lapses.”

→“I forgot to bring a business card to the meeting, but the client did not seem to mind my lapse.”

→“After a lapse of 2 weeks, she replied to my e-mail asking her for a date.”

The nod

Permission; consent(承諾、許可、同意)

→“I got the nod from my boss to take my family along on the upcoming business trip to Paris.”

→“Our rebuilding plan finally clinched the nod from the city office.”

→“The museum is hoping for the nod from UNESCO for a listing on the world cultural landmarks.”


A problem or difficulty likely to pop in the process of pursuing a certain goal(何か目的を達成する過程で出くわしそうな問題や難関)

→“I went to a job fair and listened to a speaker who gave us some needed tips on how to avoid the pitfalls of the interview process.”

→“The new prime minister is quickly learning the pitfalls of establishing social justice.”

Ramp up

To increase(増やす)

→“The automaker has just announced that it will ramp up production by 30 % in the next quarter.”

→“The authoritarian regime has ramped up the military crackdown on the protesters.”


Something that one wants others to accept, buy or agree to(他者に受け入れてもらいたい内容、買ってもらいたいもの、賛成してもらいたい事柄)

→“The education reform bill turned out to be an easy sell to the voters.”

→“Change in loyalties proves a hard sell with the local yakuza group.”
