今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 23 (June 10, 2011)

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To reassure someone and weaken their concern/worry(心配や懸念を払拭する)

→“The company held an all-hands emergency meeting to allay the employees’ concern about job security.”

→“The World Health Organization is working hard to allay the spreading fears of a newly discovered contagious disease.”


To blame or criticize harshly(責め詰る、激しく非難する)

→“‘You are a loser,’ he berated himself.”

→“The international community berated the authoritarian government for brutally massacring the protesters.”


To move or climb slowly, using one’s hands(四つん這いになって動く、よじ登る)

→“The power went out and the office was suddenly pitch-dark. We had to clamber our way out.”

→“While hiking in the woods, I slipped on a slant and had to clamber back over wet rocks.”

Disenchanted with

Disappointed; disillusioned(失望した、がっかりした)

→“I am totally disenchanted with the new teacher.”

→“The citizens are growing disenchanted and impatient with the flawed pension system.”


To be irregular and unpredictable; to be deviant(不規則の、正道から外れた)

→“Our next-door neighbors are exasperated with their son’s erratic behavior.”

→“Being a teacher involves occasionally disciplining erratic students.”

Hunker down

To brace oneself up for a lengthy ordeal or challenge(長期の試練に備えて身構える)

→“Under the ongoing recession, our company strategy is to hunker down and stick it out till things start looking up.”

→“The government is ready to hunker down in the fiscal battle to slash deficit.”


Sharp; eager; favorably disposed(鋭い、強い関心がある)

→“She has a keen eye for artistic inspiration in daily life.”

→“I have great hopes for John. He is an extremely keen student.”

→“To tell you the truth, I am not very keen on your plan.”


Skeptical and cautious(警戒して慎重な)

→“After I caught her in a lie for the second time, I became leery of her.”

→“The government announced a reform program, but the protesters remain leery.”


A motto; a principle to live by(モットー、座右の銘)

→“I take it as my mantra that I should always be ready to forgive and let go.”

→“The chairman stuck to his mantra that every business opportunity should be explored.”


To work on something or someone for their growth and development(育て上げる)

→“John and Valerie met 3 years ago and nurtured their love till they were ready to tie the knot and marry.”

→“The veteran coach has nurtured a powerful baseball team.”

Perk (short for perquisite)

A fringe benefit from one’s work on top of the salary(特典、ベネフィット)

→“I decided to take this job because the perks are extensive.”

→“One of the perks of working at this school is that you can take any course for free.”


Illicit; dishonest; rogue(いかがわしい、不法の)

→“I have been in business for 40 years, and have always stayed away from shady deals.”

→“You had better watch out. That salesman uses a kind face to hide a shady intent.”


The way a surface feels to the touch; the combined effect of different component parts(肌触り、感触、部品や構成人が集合して作り上げる構造又は組織全体としての効果)

→“The ground is covered with snow of many textures.”

→“The immigrants are transforming the country’s texture and way of life.”


To survive an ordeal(耐え忍ぶ、持ちこたえる)

→“I have every confidence that Japan will weather the current economic crisis and come out stronger.”

→“The president successfully weathered the first major challenge to his leadership.”
