今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 21 (May 27, 2011)

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Effectively and skillfully(効率的に)

→“The whole audience was impressed with the debater as she adroitly rebutted her opponent’s argument.”

→“He took to his new job cleverly and adroitly.”


A protest or negative reaction to a proposal or action taken(反動、抗議)

→“The plan to increase taxes ran into a backlash from the taxpayers.”

→“The party leader faces an internal backlash over his new foreign policy.”

→“There is a nationwide backlash against the series of liberal decisions by Supreme Court.”


To engage in a romantic relationship; to make an effort to please somebody in order to get something in return; to invite or solicit(おつき合いをする、何らかの見返りを期待して相手の機嫌を取る、招く)

→“He started courting her immediately after being introduced to her at a social function.”

→“The Republican presidential candidates are busy courting the voters and the media.”

→“Some developing countries are courting Japanese corporations to build factories on their soil.”


A termination; an end; a death(終止符、死)

→“The old school’s demise was cause for much public chagrin.”

→“The senior statesman faces a political demise over the scandal.”


To make tired and weak(疲労・弱化させる)

→“After running a marathon, he was enervated to the point of collapse.”

→“After 2 weeks of intensive campaigning, the entire team is enervated.”


A statement, conduct or person that is deceptive or insincere(偽りの言葉や行為、誠意に欠けた人物)

→“Don’t give me that humbug. I insist that you tell me the truth!”

→“The terrorist blurted out an impassioned self-defense, but the court totally dismissed him as a helpless humbug.”


To mobilize or summon enough resources or resolution to tackle a difficult task(困難な課題に向けて才能・力・決意などを集中する)

→“I mustered all my powers to deliver a good speech.”

→“The new government is trying to muster international support for its radical reform measures.”


To fasten; to fix; to determine(固定する、~に結び付けて一定させる、~と決めつける)

→“The sun was shining beautifully so I took my laundry outside and pegged it on the washing line.”

→“Our nation’s currency is pegged to the US dollar.”

→“Don’t peg me as a lazy person. I do work hard sometimes.”


A round post or column that supports a structure; an integral part of a system or group(支柱、物事の大黒柱、組織や思想形態における要の部分)

→“This roof is supported by 8 pillars.”

→“She is a model citizen, a pillar of the community.”


Loud and noisy in a unruly or unpleasant way(うるさい、騒々しい)

→“The speaker was overwhelmed by the raucous audience.”

→“The pop singer got a raucous welcome from the waiting fans at the airport.”


To be in a strong and healthy state(強く健康な状態である)

→“I exercise every day and am in a robust condition.”

→“The economy is finally back to its former robust state.”


(Mainly for criticism or protest) Sharp and severe(批判や抗議が鋭く痛々しい)

→“The student wrote a scathing criticism of the professor in the course evaluation.”

→“She shot me a scathing look when I told her to shut up.”

Silver lining

Something good that is hidden in an otherwise difficult or adversarial situation(試練や困難な状況の中に隠された良いことや恵み)

→“I know you are going through a personal ordeal. I can only suggest that you look for the silver lining in all this.”

→“Even the most unpleasant experience holds a silver lining for the reflective thinker.”


A measure or gauge against which to compare something so as to judge its quality(比較・判断・評価するにあたって使用する基準・尺度)

→“Laughter is an important yardstick of happiness.”

→“Our school uses the student evaluation as a yardstick against which to measure the teachers’ performance.”
