今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 18 (May 6, 2011)

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Angle for

To try to attain something discreetly or indirectly; to attempt to obtain something by all means(間接的に目的を達成しようとする、あらゆる手段を使って何かを獲得しようとする)

→“She angled for his phone number but he did not catch on, bidding her goodbye and going on his way.”

→“While the sports world is paying all attention to the new baseball team, the older team is angling for a comeback.”


To be infatuated; to be head over heels(夢中になる)

→“Ever since he saw the film he has been besotted with the actress.”

→“The entire nation became besotted with the idea of freedom and democracy.”


A secret agreement to coordinate action, usually for an illicit purpose; disparate forces coming together(共謀、複数の要因が一つになること)

→“The students were caught in a cheating collusion in the entrance exam.”

→“A collusion of interests exits between the government regulatory agencies and the corporate world.”

→“A collusion of extraordinary natural forces occurred in bringing about the unprecedented disaster.”


A state of being unconnected; a gap; a lack of mutual understanding or coordination(断絶された状態、相互理解・コーディネーションの欠如)

→“The Prime Minister is not aware of the disconnect between government and public concern.”

→“There is a global disconnect in taming trade barriers.”


To gradually weaken or decrease(徐々に弱まる・減る)

→“I am not interested in this anymore. My enthusiasm has ebbed.”

→“The latest poll found that public endorsement of the new president is ebbing.”


External appearance(表面、外面)

→“I was very shaken inside but managed to keep a façade of composure.”

→“Behind his façade of professionalism, Robert is really emotional and vulnerable.”


A minor problem or defect(些細な問題・難点)

→“A faulty transportation system is a kink in our export chain.”

→“A large organization like that is bound to have a few kinks.”

→“The new government is trying hard to iron all the kinks out.”


A connection or network(連結、連携)

→“In gospel music I find satisfaction at the nexus of spirituality and art.”

→“I am not taking any vacation this summer, as I am caught in a nexus of projects and assignments under a tight deadline.”

Stanch (alternative spelling: Staunch)

To stop; to arrest the flow of(阻止する、流出を止める)

→“The doctor put a bandage over the patient’s wound to stanch the blood flow.”

→“The concession helped the government stanch the public’s loss of confidence.”


To stop the movement of something or someone; to stanch(動きや流れをくい止める)

→“The regime took drastic measures to stem the spreading tide of anti-government sentiments.”

→“The company is working hard to stem its financial losses.”

Stem from

To originate from; to derive from (~から発する・起因する)

→“The mass protest stems from grassroots aspirations for equality.”

→“Destructive emotion stems from unrealistic thinking.”


A group of valuable things or info(貴重な品物や情報の集合体)

→“A trove of classified documents were released by WikiLeaks.”

Hidden treasures(隠された宝物)

→“A vast trove of old manuscripts were found in the cave.”


Continuing in a steady and consistent way(衰えたり揺れ動いたりせずに継続した)

→“Thank you for your unflagging support.”

→“The senior diplomat is unflagging at 83.”


Lively; energetic(活気のある、エネルギッシュな)

→“The old village has a vibrant sense of community.”

→“The nation was finally able to put its economy on a vibrant footing.”


To deal with in earnest; to tackle; to grapple with(真剣に取り組む)

→“We spent the whole afternoon wrestling over the problem.”

→“The firm is doing its best to wrestle with the tough market situation.”

→“The authoritarian regime continues to wrestle against popular pressure to surrender power.”
