今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 16 (April 22, 2011)

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Having the quality to keep one interested and entertained(関心を誘い夢中にさせるような)

→“Collecting toys has been my absorbing hobby since childhood.”

→“The psychologist tells his patients to find something absorbing to do in order to attain true happiness.”


To be in trouble(問題・難問に直面した)

→“Our project is beset with unforeseen complications.”

→“The firm is beset by lawsuits from its former employees.”


Intimidating; challenging(恐れおののくような大がかりの、大変な)

→“The new nation faces the daunting task of sustaining a democratic state on a day-to-day basis.”

→“When I volunteered for the project, I was not aware of the daunting nature of the challenge.”


Mysterious, sometimes to the extent of being a little scary(奇妙な、薄気味悪い)

→“I have an eerie sense that I visited this very place a long time ago.”

→“This picture captures the eerie beauty of the ancient town.”


To lose power; to sag; to check with a mark(弱化する;マークをつける)

→“I began my speech so loud that my voice was flagging by the middle of it.”

→“Here’s the handout for today’s lecture. I have flagged the parts that I want you to pay special attention to.”


To annoy; to anger(気に障る、怒らせる)

→“Nothing irks me like waiting endlessly in line on a hot, humid day with no wind blowing.”

→“The company’s new salary policy is irking the employees.”


To be averse; to be reluctant and unwilling(嫌がる、乗り気でない)

→“I am loath to report to my boss how the business meeting went.”

→“Economists are loath to weigh the long-term consequences of the recession.”


To dislike with a strong feeling(忌み嫌う)

→“She loathes going on blind dates.”

→“The radio talk show host loathes the Democrats.”


Effective cure or solution for all problems(普遍的有効性のある解決策・対処)

→“Decades ago many people believed that a communist revolution was a panacea for all social evils.”

→“I am realistic enough to know that there is no panacea for the world’s troubles.”


To give up; to cancel(あきらめる、キャンセルする)

→“We decided to punt on it and go for something else.”

→“He has not replied to my e-mail. I think he is punting on the plan.”


A quarrel, fight, dispute(口論、喧嘩)

→“In a diplomatic spat, the US and Venezuela expelled each other’s ambassador.”

→“I stalked out of the house after a spat with my parents.”

At stake

To be at risk; to be in question(失う危険がある、問題となる、かかっている)

→“My career is at stake in today’s presentation.”

→“Great losses and gains are at stake in this game.”


A substitute; a replacement(代替)

→“When I had a homestay experience in America, the Mr. and Mrs. became my surrogate parents in all respects.”

→“He is under a lot of attack because he is considered a surrogate of the dethroned king.”


A certain acreage of space, particularly, a long thin area; a group of(一定の区域、特に長く細いエリア。群衆)

→“Swaths of Times Square are closed to traffic during the holidays.”

→“A vast coastal swath was wiped out by the tsunami.”

→“A swath of people showed up for the concert.”


To cover or wrap(覆う、カバーする)

→“She slept swathed in blankets.”

→“The lake was swathed in early morning mist.”
