今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 12 (March 24, 2011)

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To hit repeatedly or strike sharply(立て続けに叩く)

→“The teacher buffeted the blackboard for attention.”

To treat harshly(酷い仕打ちをする)

→“I quit the company because I was sick of being buffeted by my boss.”


A big puzzle; an insoluble problem(大きな謎、難解な問題)

→“How the universe started remains a scientific conundrum.”

→“How to respond to the uprising in the Middle East is a foreign policy conundrum.”


The surface of the earth directly above the center of an earthquake; the central or most critical location(地震・物事の中心地)

→“The epicenter of the major earthquake was in the northeastern part of Japan.”

→“Beijing is becoming the epicenter of commerce and trade in Asia.”


A foreign resident of a country(駐在員、在留している外国人)

→“The Chinese corporation has a lot of expats in its New York office.”

→“Japanese expats around the world are following the news about the catastrophe with growing concern.”


For a bad condition to get worse(悪化する)

→“A deep-seated anger festers below the surface.”

→“The wound festered into an infection.”


To stimulate; to provoke; to incite(刺激する、憤慨させる)

→“Her interest was piqued when she overheard the conversation.”

→“The receptionist’s attitude piqued him into an outburst.”


To utterly destroy(破壊する、壊滅状態にする)

→“The Senator made an impassioned speech, pulverizing the opponent’s argument.”

→“The hurricane pulverized the coastal town.”


To speak or write in an unorganized way; to walk about aimlessly(まとまりの ない話し方・書き方をする、特に目的もなく歩き回る)

→“Some of the audience went to sleep as the speaker rambled on.”

→“His eyes rambled over the words on the page.”


Erratic and irregular in behavior(規則違反の、不良の、無法の)

→“The new country is acting like a rogue regime.”

(As noun) An outlaw; a nonconformist(アウトロー、不良、ならず者)

→“The government announced a major campaign against rogues.”


To deplore; to regret(悲嘆する、後悔する)

→“The Prime Minister rues his dwindling popularity.”

→“I rue the day Osama bin Laden was born.”


To harshly criticize; to attack(はげしく非難する)

→“Human rights groups slammed the government’s policy.”

→“He was slammed for his stupid comment.”


To feel pain; to suffer(痛みを感じる)

→“While running the marathon, his eyes smarted as sweat drops trickled in.”

→“She is still smarting under the disappointment of her loss.”

Tease out

To obtain hidden information(隠された情報を引き出す)

→“After much prodding, I was able to tease the secret out of her.”

→“A secret agent’s principal mission is to tease out classified info from foreign powers.”

Thrash about/around

To move from one side to the other in a violent manner; to exert oneself(横から横へ体を荒々しく動かす、必死に努力する・頭をひねる)

→“The drunkard thrashed about when the police tried to control him.”

→“For the past 45 minutes I have been thrashing around for an answer to the question.”

Thrash out

To discuss something thoroughly so as to come to a solution or agreement(徹底的に話し合い解決策・合意に達する)

→“The leaders were finally able to thrash out a tentative agreement on the party platform.”

→“The family had a lively discussion thrashing out the details of the vacation plan.”
