今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 10 (March 9, 2011)

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To cancel; to nix; to terminate(キャンセルする、取りやめる、解雇・免職する)

→“Because of the snow storm, we had to ax our travel plan.”

→“The government axed the proposed tax cuts.”

→“The Prime Minister is thinking of axing his secretary.”

(As noun) Cancelation; termination(キャンセル、中止、解雇・免職)

→“The ambassador faces the ax for his diplomatic blunder.”


To increase; to empower; to lift(増やす、強化する)

→“The new legislation will boost job creation.”

(As noun) An enforcement; a push(増強、プッシュ)

→“The Olympic games gave a boost to the local economy.”


To complete; to put the finishing touch(完了する)

→“She says she plans to cap her speech with a song.”

→“A major trade agreement capped the Prime Minister’s visit to Pakistan.”

To cover(上に乗せる、カバーする)

→“Mount Fuji is capped with snow.”


To gather in large number(群がる)

→“Asian students are flocking to US universities.”

(As noun) A group of animals, people or things(群れ、群衆、集合体)

→“The pastor and his flock turned out in the village square in protest against the new policy.”


To get tattered; to wear off through rubbing; to chafe; to strain(よれよれにする・なる、弱化する)

→“Your loud talk frays my nerves.”

→“The new trade agreement will repair the frayed ties between the two countries.”

(As noun) A fight; an argument(口論、喧嘩)

→“When he saw the public debate taking place in the park, he joined the fray.”


To put something or somebody in certain condition over time (~な状態に導いて置き去る)

→“Your reply leaves the question unanswered.”

→“The love letter left her smiling.”

→“The authoritarian regime leaves much unsaid about the next in line.”


A fighter; an aggressive person(闘士、攻撃的な人)

→“Militants assaulted the UN base in the mountain area.”

(As adjective) Aggressive; belligerent(攻撃的な、好戦的な)

→“She is a militant environmental activist.”


Authoritarian; decisive and final; urgent(高圧的な、有無を言わせぬ)

→“The policeman spoke to the motorist in a peremptory manner.”

→“Amidst the spreading public unrest, the government issued a peremptory decree for order.”


To reform; to improve by making modern(刷新する、改善する)

→“I am trying to revamp our communication system.”

→“The baseball team revamped its public image.”


An external appearance; an approximation(外見、体裁、類似)

→“When she came home, the living room was a mess, but she quickly put things away and restored a semblance of order.”

→“The primitive village has a semblance of community.”


To encourage and motivate; to activate; to touch off (動機づける、駆り立てる、駆動する)

→“His new love spurred him to write poems.”

→“The incident spurred a violent reaction among the local residents.”


To challenge; to work on(取り組む、挑む)

→“John raised his hand and volunteered to tackle the problem.”

→“The government is trying to tackle rising inflation.”


To begin to come apart; to gradually fall into pieces(徐々に崩壊していく)

→“The empire unraveled amid spreading corruption and violence.”

To explain a mystery(謎などを解明する)

→“I am trying to unravel how it all happened.”


To compete with someone over something(何かをめぐって競争する)

→“The Democrats and the Republicans vied to win over the voters.”

→“The two children were vying for the mother’s attention during dinner.”


A crowded district or street(混雑した区域)

→“After I unpacked my luggage, I went out and wandered through the warren.”

→“When I first visited Hong Kong, I was lost in the warren of alleys and shacks.”
