今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 9 (March 2, 2011)

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To increase; to improve(増やす、強化する)

→“The economic success bolsters China’s global prestige.”

→“I gave her encouragement to bolster her confidence.”


To make a miserable mistake; to make a mess; to walk unsteadily(恥ずかしい失敗をする、めちゃめちゃにする、よたよたと歩く)

→“I was so nervous standing on the podium that I bumbled the speech.”

→“After he had a few drinks at the bar, Charles bumbled through the shopping district.”


To raise; to keep up; to cheer up(浮上させる、気分を浮き上がらせる)

→“Your smile always buoys me up.”

→“The Nikkei stock average was buoyed by Wall Street gains.”


An elderly authority; a senior person with seasoned experience(経験が長く権威のある人)

→“The professor is the doyen of Japanese art.”

→“The Senator is a doyen of power politics.”


Impassioned; strongly felt(強い感情を込めた、毅然とした、断固とした)

→“She was emphatic in her denial of any knowledge of the crime.”

→“The dictator is emphatic that his rule over the country is unshaken.”


To become shaky and unsteady; to speak hesitatingly(よろめく、口ごもる)

→“The nation is faltering amid rising public unrest.”

→“The child faltered an apology to the owner of the dog.”

Flex one’s muscles

To demonstrate one’s ability or skills(実力を発揮、披露する)

→“China is flexing its political and economic muscles these days.”

→“This job gives me an opportunity to flex my translation muscles.”


Full of problems or worry(心配そうな、たくさんの問題を抱えた、懸念すべき)

→“The mother looks fraught as her oldest son is assigned to a post in Iraq.”

→“With inflation and unemployment steadily rising, the future is fraught.”

Fraught with

Filled with; charged(一杯である、充満している)

→“The movie was fraught with action and excitement.”

→“The nation’s path to democracy is fraught with challenges.”


Overconfidence, often to one’s own detriment; arrogant pride(過剰な自信、驕り)

→“The president’s hubris brought about his own downfall.”

→“There is hubris among the ruling class.”


The practice or art of competing for superiority over a rival (優位をめぐっての競い合い)

→“Toyota and GM are engaged in a game of one-upmanship in the China market.”

→“The US is paying high costs of military one-upmanship with Russia.”


To hit many times quickly; to defeat an opponent completely(素早く何度も打つ、徹底的に負かす)

→“Rocky pummeled Apollo’s chest.”

→“The Chunichi Dragons were pummeled by the Lotte Marines in the Japan Series.”


To change around: to rearrange; to reorganize(入れ替える、再編する)

→“Under increasing pressure from the public, the president reshuffled the cabinet.”

→“I decided to change my college major, and had to spend a whole day reshuffling my classes.”


Filled; abundant; widespread(充満している、拡散している)

→“The meeting was rife with bitter disagreements.”

→“Crime is rife in the big city.”


An unexpected obstacle; a dilemma(予想外の難点、行き詰まり)

→“It is a nice restaurant. The only snag is that they close at 10 pm.”

→“The peace talk hit a snag.”
