今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 7 (February 16, 2011)

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To sooth; to calm; to appease(軟化させる、静める)

→“The nice music assuaged my anger.”

→“The United Nations resorted to extraordinary measures to assuage global media.”


A dilemma; a no-win situation; a trouble(窮地、難しい立場)

→“She was in a bind when she lost her job and boyfriend on the same day.”

→“The widespread unrest in the neighboring country leaves the government in a diplomatic bind.”


To catch or hit unexpectedly(奇襲する)

→“The entire financial world was blindsided by the Lehman Shock.”

→“The teacher blindsided me with a question.”


A mixture of uncoordinated sounds(不協和音)

→“In New York, I was exposed to a cacophony of horns from passing taxis.”

→“In a cacophony of shouts, the rioters cried out for reform.”


To make a continuous monotonous sound; to speak or act monotonously(単調な音を出す、相手の退屈を誘うようなゆっくりした行動をする)

→“The air conditioner is droning in the adjoining room.”

→“An airplane droned by overhead.”

→“The lecture droned on for 2 hours.”


The most prominent product or achievement(代表的製品や業績)

→“Chocolate is the flagship of Fujiya.”

→“Health care reform is the flagship of Obama’s presidency.”


To prevent; to frustrate(防ぐ、邪魔する)

→“The mother foiled the child’s attempt to snatch a cookie from the jar.”

→“The police successfully foiled a terrorist plot.”


To cause trouble; to bring about unrest(問題を引き起こす)

→“He is always spreading wicked rumors and fomenting discord in office.”

→“The US accused Iran of fomenting conflict in the region.”


To tackle; to cope; to struggle(取り組む、挑む)

→“I spent the whole morning grappling with the math problem.”

→“The nation is grappling with its wartime history.”


Lacking in thoroughness or enthusiasm; half-baked(生半可な、中途半端な、生ぬるい)

→“If you study in a halfhearted manner, you won’t pass the exam.”

→“The government’s halfhearted reform is drawing a lot of criticisms.”


To fend off; to deflect; to avert(かわす、避ける)

→“After my speech, some in the audience asked me tough questions, but I managed to parry them.”

→“Rocky skillfully parried Apollo’s punches.”


To shock into motion; to make nervous(ざわめかせる、動揺させる)

→“I told many jokes at the dinner table and rattled the crowd.”

→“The political debate is rattling the entire nation.”


To ignore; to disqualify; to prevent from participationr(無視する、無資格とする、参加させない)

→“The landlord repeatedly sidelined Jane’s complaints.”

→“The injury sidelined him from the Olympic games.”

→“The king’s son was sidelined in the succession process.”

A slew of

A large quantity(多数の)

→“Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin offers a slew of courses.”

→“There were a slew of new bestsellers on display at Kinokuniya.”


To batter and tear into shreds(よれよれにする、擦り減らす)

→“I need a new pair of jogging sneakers. My present ones are quite tattered.”

→“He likes to go out in tattered jeans.”

(As noun) A torn and disintegrated state; rags(よれよれの状態)

→“The prime minister’s trade policy is in tatters due to unexpected events.”
