今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 6 (February 9, 2011)

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A ruler or person with unlimited power; a dictator(独裁者、専制君主)

→“The nation has been ruled by an autocrat since its independence after the war.”

→“Stop acting like an autocrat and pay attention to what others want.”


To give a false appearance; to misrepresent true feelings or thoughts(真意を隠す、事実と違った印象を与える)

→“She was extra cheerful in order to belie her deep sadness.”

→“The newborn nation’s joy belies the long and hard road that preceded its birth.”


An offer to pay a particular price(買い注文、入札)

→“He made a bid for the Picasso painting.”

An attempt to achieve something(試み)

→“In a bid to escape prosecution, she gave away the identity of her coconspirator.”


To assert loudly(声高に主張する)

→“The baby is clamoring for attention.”

→“The Liberal Democratic Party is clamoring about its plans to reform the government.”

(As noun) A loud noise(うるさい音)

→“I heard a clamor of anger outside as the protesters rioted.”


To shatter; to disappoint(破壊する、失望させる)

→“Promises and rosy future were dashed for the nation when unemployment hit rock bottom.”

→“The failure in business dashed his dream of success.”


Advantage; profit; payout(利点、利潤、剰余金の配当)

→“US banks will hand out big dividends to the investors.”

→“Daily exercise will pay dividends for your health.”


Passion; enthusiastic interest or conviction(情熱、熱烈な関心や信念)

→“The fervor for the iPhone is waning.”

→“The soldiers rose up in patriotic fervor.”


Lucky; happening by chance but is beneficial(良い巡りあわせの、運のいい、都合のいい)

→“I ran into him at the station, and it turned out to be a fortuitous meeting.”

→“It was fortuitous that a good used car was on sale just as I started looking for one.”


A standstill(行き詰まり、身動きできない状態)

→“Whenever we discuss politics, we end up in gridlock.”

→“The parliamentary gridlock is delaying the reform process.”



→“I pressed her for an answer, but she remained mum.”

→“The government is mum on the controversial issue.”


To criticize strongly(強く叱る、批判する)

→“I was publicly panned by the professor for not having done the homework.”

→“ASEAN pans China’s currency policy.”

Pare down

To decrease gradually(徐々に減らす)

→“Michael was just released from the hospital. He is now trying to pare down his weight.”

→“My initial draft was so long that I had to spend two hours to pare it down.”


To suppress; to stamp out; to subdue(鎮圧する、黙らせる)

→“The employees had a lot of complaints today. I had to spend the whole day quelling them.”

→“The authoritarian government increased executions to quell public outcry.”


To fall back; to stagger(後ずさりする)

→“Rocky reeled from Apollo’s blow.”

To remain in a state of lingering pain(後遺症を受ける)

→“Haiti is still reeling from the major earthquake more than a year ago.”



→“The Prime Minister went to Yasukuni Shrine sans his entourage.”

→“I went swimming sans goggles.”
