今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 5 (February 4, 2011)

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To take care of; to look after(世話をする、面倒見る、看病する)

→“She took a day off to attend her sick family”

→“The hospital sent a nurse to attend the sick person.”

Attend to

To deal with; to serve; to pay attention to(対応する、対処する、接待する、注意を払う)

→“Before I can sit down to write, I have a couple of personal matters to attend to.”

→“I worked part-time as a waiter because I enjoy attending to people’s needs.”

→“You must attend to my words when I speak.”


A characteristic skill; a specialized interest (特技、特別な関心事)

→“The government demonstrated a spending bent.”

→“I admire your artistic bent.”

Crack down on

To get tough with; to deal strictly with and punish; to take on (取り締まる、弾圧する)

→“FBI is aggressively cracking down on drug smugglers.”

→“Arizona began to crack down hard on illegal immigrants from across the border.”


A restraint; a disincentive(抑制、制御)

→“The warning will serve as a deterrent to his future behavior.”

→“Heavy penalties are not a deterrent for crimes.”


To celebrate(祝う)

→“The hanami festival fetes the arrival of spring.”

To praise publicly(公で称える)

→“The Chiba Lotte Marines were feted by the mayor of Chiba.”

In flux

A constantly changing and unpredictable situation(常に変化している状態)

→“With the president’s sudden resignation, the future of the company is in flux now”

→“Middle East peace talks are in flux.”


A secret design or scheme(思惑、策略、工作)

→“I don’t know why it happened. It must be the strange machinations of God.”

→“The government suspects that the anarchists’ machinations are behind the nationwide power failure.”


Quick and efficient(俊敏な)

→“In order to score high on this test, you must have a nimble mind.”

→“The firm was extremely nimble and ruthless in downsizing.”


The boundary of a closed area; outer limits(囲まれた区域の境界線、限界)

→“The perimeter is marked by a fence.”

→“This book is very difficult. It’s outside the perimeter of my knowledge.”


A stable level or condition(安定した状態、停滞)

→“In order to grow spiritually, one must always strive to attain a new plateau.”

→“The iPhone market has hit a plateau.”

→“A plateau in technological originality is stalling the emergence of newcomers.”


To increase in excitement; to surge with violent fury(興奮度が高まる)

→“The war raged as the peace negotiators sat at the table.”

→“Social protest rages as the authoritarian regime clings to power.”

(As noun) A wildly popular trend(激動的な流行)

→“Black is the fashion rage in New York now.”


To manipulate dishonestly(不正をする、ごまかす、八百長する)

→“The Tenno-hai horse race was rigged.”

→“The stock exchange is accused of rigging the prices.”

→“The US suspects Burma of vote-rigging.”


To cut; to reduce(削減する、削除する)

→The government said it will slash monetary subsidies to illegal immigrants.”

→“Due to recession, the company slashed its workforce by 25%.”


A bad situation getting worse; out of control(急激に悪化する、手に負えない状態)

→“The Lehman Shock has sent world economy in (or into) a tailspin.”

→“At the news of the team’s defeat, the morale of the fans went into a tailspin.”
