今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 4 (January 26, 2011)

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In the middle of; among(まっただ中で)

→“Amid threats, the diplomat flew into the war zone.”

→“The president resigned amid increasing rumors of a bribery scandal.”


To invite; to entice; to signal with one’s hand to come over (誘う、魅惑する、来るように手で合図する)

→“I am going to take a chance. The opportunity is beckoning me.”

→“The discount deal will certainly beckon customers.”

→“The teacher beckoned me to come over.”


To feel annoyed or irritated (苛立つ、不快に感じる)

→“I am chafing at her indecisiveness.”

→“The United Nations chafes while the rescue effort gets delayed by bureaucratic red tape.”


To be utterly disappointed; to be hopelessly disheartened (極度に気落ち・絶望した状態)

→“Don’t be despondent just because you failed the exam. You can take it again.”

→“The victims of the political abuse are growing despondent as the government takes its time responding.”


To weaken confidence or calm; to shock(自信や冷静さを弱める、ショックを与える)

→“I am not fazed by the challenge.”

Unfazed: Unaffected by the event(動揺しない)

→“The village is unfazed by the major snowstorm.”


An obstacle; a minor difficulty; a technical problem(障害、支障)

→“Our plan was executed without any glitch.”

→“The ambassador’s mission suffered no major glitches.”


Made or produced locally or in one’s own country; domestic(現地産の)

→“The restaurant only uses heftyhomegrown beef.”

→“America is becoming alarmed about homegrown terrorism.”


Entry accompanied by an important effect(影響・反響を引き起こす進出・進入)

→“Homework is making inroads into my free time.”

→“The German pharmaceutical firm is making inroads into the Japanese market.”



→“The onus is on all of us to fix this problem.”

→“The onus is on the author to prove his claim with evidence.”


To cause damage, trouble or pain(被害、問題、痛みを起こす)

→“I am plagued by constant shortage of money.”

→“The latest scandal plagues the new government’s fresh image.”


To reject; to reply rudely; to snub(拒絶する、乱暴に返事する)

→“The patient rebuffed her doctor’s suggestion and skipped the meal.”

→“The politician will probably rebuff the recommendation of the Parliament.”


To reject; to avoid(拒絶する、避ける)

→“When Coca Cola was first introduced to Japan, consumers shunned it.”

→“I wanted to be her friend, but she shunned my friendship.”


To take care of; to look after(世話をする、面倒見る、看病する、注意を払う)

→“My wife and I have a beautiful flower garden which we tend every morning.”

→“She spent 3 full months tending her newborn baby.”

→“The midwife came to tend to a birth.”

→“I cancelled my vacation plans to tend to my sick mother.”

→“During the turbulent voyage, I did not have the peace of mind to tend to my business correspondence.”


Energy; excitement; passion(情熱、気迫)

→“The winner crossed the finish line with verve.”

→“He made a debut into the literary world with originality and verve.”


To consider; to compare the pros and cons(善し悪し、損得を考慮する)

→“Key decision-makers met to weigh the proposal.”

→“Before going ahead with the plan, I suggest that you weigh it carefully against the risks.”
