今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 3 (January 18, 2011)

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Ahead of

Prior to; before(~より前に、先立って)

→“The stock market edged up ahead of jobs data release.”

→“Ahead of talks, Obama called the Prime Minister of China.”

→“I went to the school administration office and signed up for the free lecture way ahead of the deadline.”

Beef up

To increase; to strengthen; to improve(増やす、強化する、向上させる)

→“Japan just announced that it will beef up aid package to Africa.”

→“The politician is beefing up his PR campaign.”


Prestige; a seal of approval (権威、封印)

→“Toyota is struggling to restore its cachet through a series of quality control measures.”

→“New York University is gaining in academic cachet.”


To hesitate; to be indecisive and refrain from action (躊躇する)

→“China and Brazil push ahead with new economic projects while Japan dithers.”

→“Stop dithering and make up your mind !”


In fact; in substance; in reality(実質的)効果的とは異なる意味になります!

→“The rebels are in effective control of the countryside.

→“The plan has effectively been executed, although some loose ends need to be tied up.”


The basic structure(基本的構造)

→“Domestic violence endangers the fabric of society.”

→“Her memory broke through the fabric of time and space.”


An embarrassing mistake made in public(公で犯す恥ずかしい失敗)

→“The MP (Member of Parliament) resigned over his diplomatic gaffe.”

→“Don’t worry about the gaffe. It happens to the best of us.”


Heavy; large in quantity(重い、大きい)

→“Due to recession, every employee had to take a hefty pay cut.”

→“We saw a hefty elephant at the circus.”


To sign; to make official(サインする、公式に締結する)

→“The pitcher and the Boston Red Sox are going to ink a five-year contract.”

→“He inked the deal and went out to celebrate it.”


To shock into action(びっくりさせ行動に駆り立てる)

→“India’s shift in policy jolts neighboring nations.”

→“The pay cut jolted me to start looking for a new job.”


To hang over ominously(不吉にのしかかる)

→“The dark wintry New York City is looming beyond the windows.”

→“High unemployment looms on the entire economy.”

→“The final exams loom for the students.”


Many; a large number(多数の)

→“The store has myriad cheap goods on sale.”

→“There were a myriad of people at the party.”

→“I read myriads of books while on vacation.”


To reform; to repair(改正する、修理する)

→“The pension system needs to be overhauled.”

(As noun) A necessary change; a reform

→“The government will consider an overhaul of financial regulations.”


To be ready; to be prepared(用意・準備ができている、姿勢が整っている)

→“The new political party is poised for take-off.”

→“She is poised to take a leadership role in the company.”

(As noun) Poise: Confidence (自信)

→“The new president has poise that comes with experience.”


A difficult situation with no solution or exit in sight; a predicament(窮地、ジレンマ)

→“The nation has to confront its economic quagmire.”

→“Afghanistan has turned into a military quagmire for the US.”

Ratchet up

To increase incrementally(徐々に増やす)

→“North Korea’s provocation ratcheted up tensions in the region.”

→“Afghanistan is ratcheting up defense against foreign invasion.”
