今週の HOT WORDS [Archive]

No. 2 (January 12, 2011)

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A stock of arms; a store of available resources(武器倉、可能な手段、手の内)

→“The Hanshin Tigers added a new pitcher to their arsenal.”

→“Further tax cuts are in Obama’s arsenal.”


To refuse to try something, to resist(拒む、遠慮する、辞退する)

→“Russia initially balked at the US proposal for nuclear arms reduction.

→“The automaker balked at safety reform.”


To drop, abandon or stop something because you no longer want it (見切りを立てて捨てる、中止する)

→“John’s life ended when Jane ditched him.”

→“We discussed the plan all day and decided to ditch it in the end.”


Tending to evade capture or attainment(捕えがたい、把握しづらい)

→“Peace in Mideast remains elusive.

→“She tried to explain the concept to me but it was still elusive.”

(Verb) Elude

→“The most important point eludes me.”


To become less and/or weaker(縮減する、弱化する)

→“The TPP idea fizzled.”

→“Our relationship fizzled out over the years.”


To mobilize; to shock; to arouse to action(ショックを与え行動に駆り出す)

→“The new tax policy galvanized the citizens in protest.”

→“The racist incident will surely galvanize the minority camp.”


To move or pull with a lot of effort; to transport(甚大な労力を使って動かす、運ぶ)

→“They hauled the patient into the operation room.”

→“After a stressful day, she hauled herself up the stairs.”


Bit by bit; gradually; in steady stages; by small degrees(徐々に、段階的に)

→“The Soviet empire fell apart piecemeal.”

→“She built up her wealth piecemeal.”

→“We are witnessing the piecemeal failure of the financial system.”


To rise; to become stronger; to recover(上昇する、強くなる、回復する)

→“The skater rallied past her competitor to win the national title.”

To come together in support(一丸となって支持する)

→“The whole school will rally to the team’s support.”


A decisive defeat(致命的惨敗)

→“The Democrats took a shellacking in the elections.”

A strong reprimand(強い叱責)

→“His wife gave him a shellacking for being late.”


To become weaker in strength, influence, prestige or color(力、影響、威信等が弱まる)

→“The scandal will tarnish the religious leader’s public image.”

→“The color of the building became tarnished with age.”


To turn upside down; to topple; to upset (転倒させる、ひっくり返す)

→“The Lehman Shock upended global economy.”

→“The discovery of the new evidence will upend the entire criminal investigation.”


To express violent emotions (強い感情を表す、鬱憤を晴らす、八つ当たりする)

→“He missed the last train and vented on the station worker.”

→“Whenever you are stressed out, you can always vent to me.”


To be worried; to be nervous; to be watchful; to be cautious(懸念する、慎重になる、神経質になる)

→“ Wary of new shelling from the North, the South Korean islanders are reluctant to return.”

→“She is wary in the company of strangers.”


To entice; to get someone interested; to persuade; to coopt(関心を湧かす、誘惑する、勧誘する)

→“IBM’s attempt to woo the top engineer failed.”

→“The Democratic Party of Japan is trying to woo young voters.”
